working memory.

Cards (11)

  • who and when was the model made?
    by baddeley and hitch - 1974.
  • what does the model suggest?
    the model explains how the stm actually functions and processes mental functions like learning a language.
  • what are the 4 parts to the model?
    central executive, phonological loop, visual spatial sketchpad and episodic buffer.
  • what is the central executive?
    plays a key role in attention but mainly oversees the other slave subsystems. it does not store anything.
  • what is the phonological loop?
    involved with dealing with auditory information. split into articulatory loop (inner voice) and primary acoustic store (sound). only has duration of 2 seconds.
  • what is the visual spatial sketchpad?
    deals with visual information. said to have a inner scribe and visual cache. has 3-4 chunks.
  • what is the episodic buffer?
    integrates information from phonological loop and vss. can store four chunks.
  • evaluate using S?
    Trojani + Grossi - they did a case study on SC who was brain damaged, found the damage had impacted PL but not VSS : shows they are separate.
  • evaluate using C?
    msm. episodic buffer added by baddeley in 2000 suggesting it was inaccurate to begin with. purpose of central executive?
  • evaluate using U?
    shallice and warrington - found with Kf who had amnesia post brain damage that he had a poor stm and recalled auditory information poorly but could recall well visually - proven in his recall better when he read words than when he heard them.
  • evaluate using T?
    case studies and experiments.