Cards (58)

  • 3 differences between primate and non-primate skulls
    1. post orbital closure/wall
    2. brain case size
    3. forward facing eyes
  • Platyrrhines dental formula:
  • Platyrrhines ectotympanic region: ring
  • Catarrhines dental formula:
  • catarrhines ectotympanic region: tube
  • Bones required to calculate intermembral index (IMI) & how to do it:
    Humerus + radius (arm length) / femur + tibia (leg length) X 100 = IMI
  • A high IMI (>> 100) indicates long arms relative to short legs.
    This is seen in chimps and gibbons
    Categorized as brachiators/ knuckle walkers
  • A IMI at approximately 100 indicates arms and legs are approximately at equal length.
    Ex: Baboons
    Categorized as terrestrial quadrupeds
  • A low IMI (<< 100) indicates short arms relative to long legs
    Ex: Tarsiers
    Categorized as Arboreal quads and leapers
  • Abducted big toes are seen in chimps (not in line with others; poking away)
  • Adducted big toes are seen in humans (in line with others)
  • Comparing chimp (left) and human (right) feet, which species has an arched foot?
    Answer: Human
  • Comparing chimp (left) and human (right) feet, which species has freaky long toes?
    Answer: Chimp
  • Comparing chimp (left) and human (right) feet, which species has an abducted hallux?
    Answer: Chimp
  • Comparing chimp (left) and human (right) feet, which species is the biped?
    Answer: Human
  • H. Sapiens (modern) = biggest brain
  • H. Sapiens (cro mag) = almost human but a little ugly
  • A. afarensis = most prognathic face
  • H. neanderthalensis = occipital bun
  • P. boisei = Huge saggital crest and molars
  • Name one additional feature unique to the neanderthal skull (mandible).
    Answer: Retromolar gap
  • Name one additional feature unique to the human skulls (mandible).
    Answer: Chin
  • Differentiating verterbae.
    Which one has foramina on the transverse processes?
    Answer: Cervical
  • Differentiating vertebrae.
    Which one looks like a giraffe?
    Answer: Thoracic
  • Lumbar lordosis centers mass along central line of gravity for balance. This is an example of one adaptation for bipedalism.
  • Lumbar is the largest vertebrae.
  • Differentiating vertebrae.
    Which one looks like a moose?
    Answer: Lumbar
  • Compare the chimp, boisei, and human skulls.
    Name one skull feature that allows to identify a biped.
    Answer: Foramen magnum position anteriorly
  • Identify the hominin
    Answer: A. afarensis
  • Identify the hominin
    answer: H. erectus
  • Identify the hominin
    Answer: P. boisei
  • Identify the hominin
    Answer: H. neanderthalensis
  • Identify the hominin:
    Answer: H. sapiens
  • Pan troglodytes are also known as chimps
  • Identify the hominin
    Answer: P. robustus
    *picture taken from the slides*
  • Heterodont teeth are found in primates
  • Heterodont teeth are those that are different in size and shape
  • Homodont teeth are the same in size and shape
  • Homodont vs. Heterodont teeth
    Answer: Homodont
  • Homodont vs. Heterodont teeth
    Answer: Heterodont