Biology 1.3

Cards (71)

  • What is the function of glucose in the body
    Used in respiration to realise energy
    Converted to glycogen and stored
  • We’re is glycogen stored
    In the liver
  • What is the function of fatty acids and glycerol in the body?
    Energy store
  • What is the function of amino acids in the body
    Amino acids join together in long chains to form proteins which are used for growth
  • Why are minerals required by the body
    Required for a range of different functions e.g iron required for the synthesis of haemoglobin in red blood cells
  • Why are vitamins required by the body
    Vitamin c maintains health tissues
  • What happens when the body doesn’t receive enough vitamins or minerals
    Deficiency diseases develop
  • Why is water required by the body
    Maintain osmosis correctly in cells and essential for body processes and functions
  • What is the function of fibre in the body
    Provides bulk which aids the movement of food via peristalsis
  • What type of food realeases the greatest amount of energy per gram
  • What is the use of protein in the body
    Used for growth and repair of tissues
  • What is carbohydrates used in the body for
    Respiration to release energy
  • what happens to excess carbonhydrates in the body
    •Stored as glycogen in the liver
    •When stored become full,glycogen converted to fats
    •fats stored beneath the skin and surrounding organs
  • Outline the health risks associated with obesity
    Cardiovascular disease
    type 2 diabetes
  • Outline the health risk associated with a diet high in salt
    High blood pressure
    Cardiovascular disease
  • Outline the heath risks assosiated with a high diet in sugat
    Type 2 diabetes
    tooth decay
  • What is the definition of a balanced diet
    Eating all the food groups in the correct amount for your age, gender or activity
  • Why do foods have added sugar
    To make it sweet and increase shelf Life
  • Why do foods have added fats
    To enhance taste
  • Why do foods have added salts
    To enhance taste and increase shelf life
  • What is meant by the term digestion
    Breakdown of large, insoluble molecules into small, solubles so they can be absorbed into the blood
  • Enzymes are proteins which means the units that make up these proteins are amino acids
  • Which group of enzymes catalyses the break down of carbon hydrates
  • What are carbohydrates broken down into
  • Where are carbonhydrase produced
    small intestine
  • What are proteins broken down into during digestion
    Amino acids
  • Which type of enzyme catalyses the breakdown of proteins
  • Where are proteases produced 

    small intestine
  • What 2 things are lipids broke down into during digestion
    Fattys acids and glycerol
  • Which type of enzyme catalyses the breakdown of lipids
  • Where are lipase produced
    small instetine
  • What enzymes are found in the mouth
  • What enzymes are found in the stomach
  • What enzymes are found in the pancreas
  • What enzymes are found in the small intestine
  • Where does starch digestion begin
  • Where does protein digestion start
  • Where does fat digestion take place
    Small intestine
  • Where is water absorbed from
    Small intestine
  • What happens in the mouth
    Food is chewed and mixed with saliva