Biology 1.4

Cards (47)

  • 3 types of blood vessels
  • What do arteries do
    Carry blood away from the heart
  • What do veins do
    Carry blood back to the heart
  • What do capilieries do
    Are found within tissue organs
  • Arteries structure
    Thick outer walls
    Thick layer of muscle oxygenated blood higher pressure small lumen
  • Veins structure
    thin walls
    Thin layers of muscle
    Contains valves large lumen deoxygenated blood
  • Capillaries structure
    Thin walls only one cell thick
  • Remember, all blood vessels have an endothelium lining in the lumen, but the wall of a capillary is made of a single layer of endothelial cells
  • Function of a red blood cell?
    Contains haemoglobin for transport of oxeygon no nucleus’s so can carry more haemoglobin
  • Function of white blood cells?
    Defends against infections disease
  • Function of platelets?
    Clot the blood
  • Function of plasma?
    transport of carbon dioxide, soluble food, urea, hormones and distributed heat
  • What does wbc components
    Cell membrane
  • What are rbc components
    Cell membrane
  • What side of your body does deoxygenated blood travel
  • What side of your blood travels oxygenated blood
  • What does a double circulatory system mean
    Blood flows through the heart twice in two circuites
  • What are the 2 circuit’s
    Pulmonary circuit and back
    systemic circuit and back
  • What is the pulmonary cuircit
    Right side of heart deoxygenated blood transported to lungs
  • What is the systemic circuit
    Left side of the heart
  • What are the 4 chambers of the heart
    Left atrium
    left ventricle
    right atrium
    right ventricle
  • Heya is the left ventricle thicker then the right 

    It pumps blood further around the body at a higher temperature
  • What are the walls of the heart made of
    Cardiac muscle
  • what is function of a cardiac muscle
    Contracts to pump blood around the body
  • What is the heart
    A muscular pump that pushes blood around in the body
  • What is the fu ruin of Conary arteries
    Provide the heart muscles with oxygenated blood
  • What is the function of valves
    Prevents back flow of blood
  • What are two types of valves found in the heart
    Semi lunar valve
    Atrioventricular valve
  • We’re is the semi lunar valve located
    between the ventricles and arteries
  • Describe how the arteries are adapted to their function
    Narrow lumen to help maintain a pressure in arteries
  • Why is it important that the blood flows slowly through the capillaries
    Allows time for gas exchange of materials
  • Function of vena cava
    Returned deoxegenated blood to the heart from the body
  • Function of aorta
    Carried blood under a high pressure out of the heart and to the body
  • What is the order of the circulatory system
    Vena cava-right atrium-Tricuspid valve-right ventricle-pulmonary artery-pulmonary vein-left atrium-bicuspid valve - left ventricle - aorta
  • What is a cardiovascular disease
    Any condition that affecthe heart
  • Give some example of types of cardiovascular disease
    Conorory heart disease
    heart attack
  • How can cardiovascular disease lead to a heart attack
    An atherome (fatty deposit) may block these arteries leading to a heart atack this prevents oxeygon from reaching our heart muscle
  • What is a risk factor
    A variable associated with a greater chanve of developing a disease or infection
  • What are the risk factors of cardiovascular disease
    High blood pressure
    genetic factors
    lack of exercise
    high salt diet
    high fat diet
    high blood cholesterol
  • How does a higher blood pressure increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
    Damadge the walls of the blood vessels
    Promotes the deposition of fatty substances