Cell biology

Cards (56)

  • Eukaryotic cells
    -genetic material enclosed in nucelus
    -have cell membrance + cytoplasm
  • Eukarytoic cells examples
    Plant and animal cells
  • prokaryotic cell
    -much smaller than eukaryotic cells
    -have a cell wall, cytoplasm and cell membrane
    -genetic material not enclosed in nucleus
    -has a single DNA loop and could also have smaller rings of DNA called plasmids
  • Prokrayotic Cell example
    Bacterial cells
  • Cytoplasm
    -chemical reactions occur here
    -contains enzymes
  • cell membrane
    -holds cell together
    -controls what goes in and out
  • Nucelus
    -contains genetic material
    -controls cells activities
  • Mitochondria
    -aerobic respiration occurs here
  • Ribosomes
    -proteins synthesis
  • Cell wall
    -made of cellulose
    -supports the cell
  • Permenant vacuole
    -contains cell sap
    -weak solution of salts and sugars
  • Chloroplasts
    -contain chlorophyll
    -do photosynthesis
  • Magnification equation
    magnification = image size/actual size
    (M = I/A )
  • nm —> um

    divide by 1000
  • Um->mm
    divide by 1000
  • Mm -> cm
    divide by 10
  • microscope practical - prepare the slide
    1-firstly add a drop of water to the middle of clean slide
    2-use tweezers to peel off some epidermis tissue
    3-using tweezers to place the tissue onto the water on the slide
    4-add a drop of iodine solution - its a stain so it highlights objects in cell
    5-place cover slip over, get rid of bubbles otherwise they will obstruct specimen
  • Electron microscope
    -higher magnification + resolving power then light microscope
    -cells can be seen in much finer detail - can see sub-cellular structures
  • Sperm function
    Carry male DNA to female DNA
  • Sperm features
    -long tail + steamlined head to help it swim
    -lots of mitochondria to provide energy
  • Nerve cell function
    To carry nerve impulses to different parts of the body
  • Nerve cell features
    -electrical impulses
    -long to travel greater distance
    -branched connection to connect to other nerve cells
  • Muscle cell function
    to contract quickly to allow movement
  • Muscle cell features
    -long to have space to contract
    -lots of mitochondria to generate energy needed for contraction
  • Root hair cell function
    Absorbs water + mineral ions
  • Root hair cell features
    -have long hairs which gives the plant a larger surface area for absorbing water and mineral ions from soil
  • Phloem tubes function
    Transport sugar
  • Phloem tubes features
    -made of columns of elongates cells with small pores in end walls to allow cell sap through
    -transport food substances made in leaves to the rest of the plant for immediate use/ storage
    -transports both directions
  • Xylem Tube Function
    Takes water and mineral ions
  • Xylem Tube Features
    - made of dead cells joined end to end with no end walls
    - strengthened by lignin
    - carry water + mineral ion from roots to the stem and leaves through transpiration
    - one direction
  • cell differentiation
    the process by which a cell becomes specialized for a specific structure or function
  • Most animal differentiate at:
    An early stage
    -restricted to repair and replacement
  • Most plants ...
    Retain the ability to differentiate through life
  • Binary fission
    Division of bacteria
  • Binary fission process
    1- circular DNA + plasmids replicate
    2- cells get bigger and DNA moves to opposite ends
    3- cytoplasm begins to divide and new cell walls begin to form
    4- cytoplasm divides resulting in 2 daughter cells produced

    (Number of plasmids normally not evenly distributed)
  • Bacteria can multiple once every...
    20 mins if they have enough nutrients and a suitable temperature
  • Culturing Microorganisms before
    - petri dishes and culture mediums must be sterilised to kill unwanted microorganisms
    - inoculating loop must be sterilised by passing through a hot flame
    - lid of petri sieh and should be lightly taped on to stop microorganism getting air
    - stored upside down to stop condensation droplets falling on surface
  • Practical - effect of antibiotics on bacterial growth
    1- place paper disks soaked in different concentrations of antibiotics on an agar plate that has been evenly covered with bacteria
    2- antibiotic should diffuse into agar jelly, antibiotic resistant bacteria will continue to grow around disks, non-resistant strains will die, clear area all be left where bacteria have died called the inhibition zone
    3- use a control-a paper disk not soaked in antibiotic
    4- leave for 48 hours at 25 degrees
    5- more effective=larger zone of inhibition
  • Nucleus contains...
    Chromosomes made of DNA molecules
    - each chromosome carries a large number of genes
  • cell cyle
    1- before cell divides it grows + increase number of sub cellular structures such as ribosomes and mitochondria. DNA replicates to form two copies of each chromosome
    2- in mitosis one set of chromosomes is pulled to each end of the cell and the nucleus divides
    3- cytoplasm and cell membranes divide to form two identical daughter cells