assumption: humans and animals learn in similar ways
We can study animal learning in a lab and make generalisations to human behaviour
Pavlovs dog application for phobias
Skinner research helps shape human behaviour with a token economy
The only difference in humans and animals are the quantitive
relationships and classical conditioning
we like people associated with pleasant events - more inclined to like someone we meet when feeling happy. A previously neutral stimulus becomes positively valued because of association.
relationships and operant conditioning
New relationships are positively reinforcing the attention is rewarding, et cetera
Negative reinforcement to avoid loneliness and rejection we may feel punished not in a relationship for example exclusion from social events so therefore to form relationships
Operant conditioning
Behaviour learnt through positive and negative reinforcement and punishment . If we are rewarded for a behaviour we are more likely to repeat it ( positive reinforcement) Negative reinforcement strengthens behaviour by escaping something unpleasant
no inbuilt mental content, all behaviour is learned
we don’t think about behaviour but passively respond to environment
Environmental determinism
Weakness: more relevant to animals than humans
pavlov and skinner research on non human animals
humans may not respond in the same way
poses ethical issues
weakness: determinist
underestimates freedom of choice and removes responsibility
behaviour due to association between environment, stimulus and reward
doesn’t consider thought process or free will
weakness: nurture
ignores significant factors in behaviour’s development-> genetics or internal factors (motivation, emotion, innate abilities)
if everything is learned everyone could be a surgeon or athlete which is unrealistic as other factors shape this
strength: focus on here and now
treatment doesn’t have to look for complicated causes just current symptoms
aversion therapy teaches new stimulus- links alcohol to nausea however doesn’t understand why person turned to alcohol
strength : application
evidence that principles are correct
skinner applied operant conditioning to teaching - students learn at different rate so created teaching machine( students work at own pace and are reinforced and given immediate feedback
strength: scientific
objective- studies observable and objective behaviour
thoughts and feelings operationalised in terms of stimulus and respinse
quantifiable analysis and comparison separates beliefs from facts
people will believe principles as they’ve been investigated
behaviourist explanation for crime
social learning theory.
reward: gang promotion, not caught, money
avoidance: avoid feeling left out
behaviourist explanation for aggression
social learning theory. aggressive role models leads to vicarious reinforcement
classical conditioning: associate violence with a context
operant: rewarded for aggression- praise and status
behaviourist explanation for addiction
initiated through classical conditioning
maintained through operant conditioning
social learning theRoy and role models
behaviourist explanation of phobias
formed by classical conditioning (associate dog bite with fear and pain)
maintained by operant conditioning
avoidance leaves belief unchallenged
Operant conditioning at home (FOR)
-Pos reinforcement used to increase desirable behaviours
-Paying children to complete chores results in them performing 20% of all chores
-Super nanny: pos reinforcement through reward charts and punished with naughty step. By remaining calm and consistent child will learn consequences of behaviour, stopping it.
operant conditioning at school (FOR)
Gold stars and merit points = effective
Increased teacher praise leads to decreased inappropriate talking in secondary schools
Classical conditioning at school (FOR)
Can be used to improve performance. Maximising pleasant stimuli and minimising unpleasant stimuli conditions children to associate classroom environment with pos feelings
Operaant conditioning at home (AGAINST)
-naughty step has long term emotional effect as they cannot reflect on their own behaviour
-remaining calm and consistent difficult- parents don’t stick to it, reducing effectiveness
Operant conditioning at school( AGAINST)
-Montessori schools would reject conditioning as harmful to development
when promised rewards, children spend less time on task, motivated by reward not intrinsic motivation to succeed.
Social learning theory (AGAINST)
-Children easily influenced, imitating others behaviour, pos reinforcement may not always produce desirable behaviour.
-Undesirable behaviours learnt through imitation. Children more likely to imitate aggressive behaviour if there is motivation to do so
For vulnerable children ( AGAINST)
Lovaas methods criticised as inappropriate as ABA is demanding needing 40hrs therapy weekly.- costly and unnecessary
Only treats symptoms so undesirable behaviours will likely reemerge after therapy
Social Implications
conditioning vulnerable children to behave a ‘normal’way increases likelihood of acceptance but should they be manipulated?
Corporal punishments (smacking) have legal implications- may become illegal
Ethical implications
Ethical issues of protection from harm- naughty step causes psychological harm and corporal punishment causes physical harm
Economic implications
-If financial rewards increase grades this could benefit society as children leave school w better grades and contribute to economy.-Generation motivated by money is unhealthy