Modern-day sports performers face high levels of pressure to succeed, which sometimes has a negative effect on their behaviour. Explain why there are fewer acts of negative behaviour during physical recreation compared to sport. (8)
Available to all/voluntary/choice.
Viewed as a social occasion with friends so far more relaxed/informal than sport.
Emphasis on taking part/participation focus so less likely to become aggressive/violent.
Self-officiated/self-regulated so decisions can be reached amicably with little controversy likely to stir aggression in participants.
Mainly intrinsic rewards so less on edge as winning for material gain is not a concern.
Non-serious - end result not important so cheating to win/using gamesmanship are less likely.
Varied skill/fitness levels.
Basic equipment and clothing used or worn.
More selective/obligation/for some an occupation so with a job at stake winning is far more important.
Viewed as a test of ability against opponent(s) which makes it far more serious/intense.
Emphasis on winning/serious/competitive.
External officials enforce rules.
Extrinsic rewards available for success, e.g. winning trophies/medals.
Serious/competitive - end result is important.
Higher skill/fitness levels.
High-tech equipment and clothing used or worn.