1. World War I — 1914 - 1917 British West Indies Regiment (1. Either fighting in the war or 2. Working in Britain while Britain citizens went to the war), over 15,000 West Indian males fought in the war
2. World War II — War Food Administration and The War Manpower Commission (recruiting persons as cooks, nurses, not only to fight in the war) US, not Britain, 40,000 West Indians went
3. Need for skilled labour in post-World War II Britain (war ended in 1945, high death toll due to war and many jobs became available), carrying Caribbean culture as people went to settle , one generation after, Nottinghill Carnival started (Transculturation)
4. Fruit pickers, factory workers — tobacco and canneries in Canada
5. Current Migratory patterns to United States, Canada and Britain which result in the formation of diasporic communities