A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing (as defined by the WHO)
A disorder of the body or mind that negatively affects an individual’s health
Communicable disease
• A disease that is directory passed between individuals
• Caused by a pathogen
A disease-causing organism e.g. virus, fungi, bacteria, protists
Non-communicable disease
• A disease that cannot be transmitted between individuals
• Generally long lasting with a slow-onset
• Cause by lifestyle, environmental conditions, genetic mutations etc
A change experienced by an organism that indicates disease
Why does having an illness make an individual more likely to contract another disease?
A disease may weaken an individual’s immune system making them increasingly susceptible to other infections
• Caused by a bacterium
• Spread by drinking water or washing in water that has been contaminated with infectious faeces
• SYMPTOMS —> diarrhoea, vomiting
How can the incidence of cholera be reduced?
• Access to clean water
• Improved sanitation (sewage disposal etc.)
Describe tuberculosis (TB)
• Caused by a bacterium
• It is an airborne bacteria spread by droplet infection
• SYMPTOMS —> lung damage, chesty cough, wheezing
How can the transmission of TB be reduced?
• Improved hygiene (washing hands, sneezing into tissues etc.)
• Infected individuals should avoid crowded areas
• Increased ventilation in the individual’s home
Describe Chalara ash dieback
• Causes by a fungus that infects ash trees
• Spread via airbourne spores which are carried by the wind
• Causes dark lesions on bark and blackened leaves which wilt and eventually die
How can the transmission of chakra ash dieback be reduced?
• Control the movement of ash trees
• Kill infected plants
• Replant with a different species
• Caused by a protist
• Spread by mosquito vectors which pick up the protist when feeding on the blood of an infected organism and transmit malaria to other organisms during feeding
• Flu-like symptoms, damage to red blood cells, liver damage
How can the incidence of malaria be reduced?
• Mosquito nets
• Insect repellant
• Cover arms and legs
• Caused by human immunodeficiency virus
• Spread by direct contact with infected bodily fluids e.g. blood, semen, breast milk
• Destroys white blood cells making the individual immunodeficient and increasingly susceptible to other diseases
• Leads to AIDS
How can the spread of HIV be reduced?
• Use of condoms and protected sex
• Needle exchange
• Screening blood for HIV
• Deterring infected mothers from breastfeeding
• Caused by a bacterium
• Spread through sexual contact or direct contact with infected genital fluids