What are the advantages of transition economies?
What are the disadvantages of transition economies?
- Efficient allocation of scarce resources - resources tend to go where the market return is highest
- Competitive prices for consumers and suppliers look to increase and protect their market share
- Competition drives innovation and invention in markets which can bring higher profits for businesses and better products for consumers
- The profit motive stimulates capital investment which encourages economies of scale and lower prices in the long run
- Competition in the form of international trade in goods and services helps to reduce domestic monopoly power and increases choice
- The removal of subsidies / state aid in many countries led to a sharp rise in unemployment as unprofitable businesses shed thousands of jobs
- Inflation increased as market subsidies and price ceilings were taken away - in some cases countries experienced hyper-inflation as prices moved towards market levels
- In many countries, a severe recession followed in the early stages of transition
- An underlying lack of cost and no-price competitiveness meant that many transition countries ran large trade deficits
- Wealth and income inequalities widened
- Many countries have experienced a brain drain of younger and skilled workers in search of better pay and conditions in richer nations