Dermatology Nail PR1

Cards (15)

  • Fingernails and toenails

    Made up of heavily keratinized epidermal cells
  • Keratinized cells

    Cells that were once alive but filled with the keratin protein as they matured, causing them to lose their organelles and dye
  • Parts of a nail (from top view)

    • Free edge
    • Nail body
    • Lunula
    • Cuticle or eponychium
    • Nail root
  • Parts of a nail (from side view)

    • Free edge
    • Nail body
    • Lunula
    • Cuticle
    • Nail root
  • Nail bed
    Located under the nail body, composed of living cell layers
  • Nail matrix
    The growing part of the nail, located toward the palm of the hand where the nail bed thickens
  • Nail growth
    Mitosis, or cell division, from beneath the lunula and the root
  • Hyponychium
    Thickened part of the skin where the free edge of the nail hangs over
  • Fingernails grow about three millimeters per month
  • Toenails grow about one millimeter per month
  • It takes about six months for a fingernail to grow from the root to the free edge
  • It takes twelve to eighteen months for a toenail to grow from the root to the free edge
  • Nails grow slightly faster in the summer

    Caused by more exposure to the sun and increased circulation from being more active
  • Functions of nails
    • Prevent damage to bones and underlying soft tissue
    • Help with digging, climbing, and scratching
    • Help with grasping things (fingernails)
  • Hair structure consists of: 1. medulla (most inner layer) 2. cortex 3. cuticle (outer layer) and moreover, it also has additional layers when it goes into dermis becoming Hair follicle/bulb: 4. Inner root sheath 5. Outer root sheath 6. Hair matrix 7. Hair papilla(blood vessel)