华文: 单元二 (sec 1)

Cards (38)

  • 葡萄
    pú tao - grape
  • 象征
    xiàng zhēng - symbolize; token
  • 风俗
    fēng sú - custom
  • 辞旧迎新
    cí jìu yíng xīn - ring out the old year, ring in the new year
  • 燃放
    rán fàng - set off fireworks
  • 瓶瓶罐罐
    píng píng guàn guàn - tins and bottles
  • 厄运

    è yùn - misfortune
  • 前夕
    qián xī - eve
  • 碗碟
    wăn dié - bowl and dish
  • 预示
    yù shì - forebode
  • 兆头
    zhào tóu - omen (indicates what is likely to happen in the future and whether it will be good or bad)
  • 忙碌

    máng lù - busy
  • 遥远

    yáo yuǎn - remote
  • 万事大吉

    wàn shì dà jí - everything is just fine
  • 元旦
    yuán dàn - new year’s day
  • zěi - thief
  • 鱼尾纹

    yú wěi wén - crow’s feet
  • 装饰
    zhuāng shì - decorate
  • 圣诞
    shèng dàn - christmas
  • 格格不入
    gé gé bù rù - be incompatible (with)
  • 结婚
    jié hūn - get married
  • jià - marry
  • 视讯
    shì xùn - video
  • 沉默寡言
    chén mò guǎ yán - taciturnity (someone who is unable to communicate well)
  • fù - assistant
  • kù - cool
  • 承诺
    chéng nuò - agree to do something
  • 歉意
    qiàn yì - apology
  • 围炉

    wéi lú - fireside
  • 蒸腾
    zhēng téng - transpiration
  • 叽叽喳喳
    jī jī zhā zhā - chirp; tetter
  • 缺席
    quē xí - absent
  • 悦耳

    yuè ěr - sweet-sounding
  • 红枣
    hóng zǎo - red dates
  • 儿媳妇
    ér xí fu - daughter in law
  • 莫名其妙
    mò míng qī miào - without rhyme or reason
  • 疑惑
    yí huò - doubt; feel uncertain
  • 恭敬
    gōng jìng - respectful