O2 Environmental Systems, CAM Tent, Infant O2 Hood, HBO

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  • Mist Tents (Croupette) or Cool Aerosol Mist (CAM) Tent

    Patient is placed inside a plastic canopy (tent), FiO2 = 40-60%, O2 flow = 8-15 L/min, temperature maintenance through refrigeration or freon use, seldom used for adults, humidity control by pneumatic nebulizer, set liter flow at least 8 L/min to ensure CO2 wash off
  • Infant Hoods
    Transparent, hard plastic enclosure that surrounds the baby's head, gives supplemental oxygen by attaching APN or other O2 device, other body parts can be accessed by medical personnel, the opening is generally softly padded, available in various sizes, used for babies who can breathe on their own but still need extra oxygen
  • Hyperbaric O2 therapy

    Administration of O2 at greater than normal atmospheric pressure, performed in specially designed chambers that permit the delivery of 100% O2 at atmospheric pressure that is 3X normal, used to overcome the natural limit of O2 solubility in the blood which is about 0.3ml O2/100ml of blood (PaO2 = 100 mmHg)
  • Conditions treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO)
    • CO poisoning
    • Air embolism
    • Smoke inhalation
    • Acute cyanide poisoning
    • Decompression sickness
    • Clostridial myonecrosis
    • Hemoglobin deficiency
  • Major Complications of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO)
    • Barotrauma
    • Ear or sinus trauma
    • Tympanic membrane rupture
    • Pneumothorax
    • Oxygen toxicity
    • CNS toxic reactions
    • Pulmonary toxic reactions
    • Fire
    • Sudden decompression
    • Reversible visual changes
    • Claustrophobia