Common Name: Broad/Fish Tapeworm
Largest tapeworm of man
Scolex is spatulate/spoon-shaped/diamond-shaped with sucking organ called bothrium
Uterus with characteristic rosette formation (highly-coiled uterus) - Eggs are operculated, immature
Larval stages: coracidium > procercoid > plerocercoid
Habitat: Small Intestine
Final Host: Man
Reservoir Host: Dogs, cats, rats, and other fish-eating mammals
1st Intermediate Host: Copepods (Cyclops)
2nd Intermediate Host: Freshwater Fish (Small Fishes)
Paratenic Host: Carnivorous Fish (Bigger Fishes: usually eaten by man)
Infective Stage: Plerocercoid Larva
Diagnostic Stage: Egg/Scolex (complete/successful treatment);no segments seen (anapolytic)
Mode of Transmission: Ingestion of raw or undercooked fish with plerocercoid larvae
Adults: confused with Spirometra spp.
Eggs: confused with Paragonimus westermani
Pathology: Causes hyperchromic, megaloblastic anemia with thrombocytopenia and leukopenia; competes with Vitamin B12 for humans (content is about 50 times than T. saginata)