where do the heart and circulatory system arise from in vertebrates
later plate mesoderm
the lateral plate mesoderm splits into
dorsal somatic mesoderm and ventral splanchnic mesoderm
why is circulatory development considered a good example for understanding induction, specification, cell migration etc
the mechanism for creating the linings of these body cavities from lateral plate mesoderm has changed little throughout vertebrate evolution
what is the first working unit in the developing embryo, what is the first functional organ
the circulatory system is the firstworkingunit; the heart is the firstfunctionalorgan
movement of cardiac precursor cells in tunicates
from bilateral cell clusters that migrate anteriorly and ventrally along the endoderm and fuse at the ventral midline
what do the early heart cells in tunicates have that are also found in mammalian and chick hearts
the same basic pattern of transcription factors
which 2 regions does the vertebrate heart arise from
the splanchnic mesoderm one on each side of the body
what is a heartfield known as
cardiogenic mesoderm
what two regions are the heart fields divided into
the first field- forms scaffold of developing heart. give rise to the left and right ventricles (major portion of left ventricle)
second field- give rise to the atria and right ventricle
all cell types of the heart are generated from what
the first and second heart fields
each progenitor cell can become what
any of the differentiated heart cell types
what supplements cardiac precursor cells and which heart structures do they specifically contribute to
cardiac neural crest cells and they contribute to the septum that separates the aorta from the pulmonary trunk
what prevents heart structures from forming where they shouldn't
inhibitory signals
what does the inhibitory signal BMP promote
heart and blood development
presense if Fgf8 is crucial for
cardiac proteins
what is the role of Wnt proteins in cardiogenic mesoderm specification
they inhibit heart formation but promote blood formation
why cardiac and blood forming fields do not form in the center of the embryo
because the notochord secretes Noggin and Chordin blocking BMP signaling in the center of the embryo
what is the role of the endoderm in cardiac precursor cell migration
specifies heart progenitors, gives directionality to their migration and mechanically pulls the two fields together
what is cardiabifida
two separate hearts form, one on each side of the body
what is the phenotype found in zebrafish "miles apart" mutant
cardia bidida (limited cardiac precursor migration to the midline)
what is the role of Islet 1
distinguish between the cells of the second heart field
what does the anterior region of the SHF contribute to? what does the posterior region of the SHF contribute to?
contributes to the right ventricle and the outflow tract; the posterior region generates the atria
what is Tbx5 a marker of
early heart fields
what is the function of the retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 and what results from the product of this enzyme
they can produce their own retinoic acid and their posterior fate becomes committed
what happens as a result of "toxic" exposure to retinoicacid
causes expansion of atrial tissues at the expense of ventriculartissues
all the different cell types of the heart are derived from what
from the same progenitor cell type
what is a hemangioblast
rapidly dividing cells, usually stem cells that form blood vessels and blood cells
what does looping accomplish, what does it change
converts the original anterior-posterior polarity of the heart tube into the right-left polarity seen in the adult organism. it helps drive looping to completion