There is a clash of civilization that is plaguing the country right now and though this is not officially and consciously acknowledged, this war for dominance is victimizing all Filipinos in one form or another
There is really no middle ground, and it is either one is rooting for the other side or opposing all contentions and wisdom from another side
This is the battle for the dominance, and prisoners are not taken and captured
This is literally, the war between the eastern self-versus the western self
Western self
Focus on oneself and personal needs
Predicated on putting egoism first
Inclined in more acquisitionof material things
Obsessed with being successful
Wealth and poverty is the result of enterprise and hard work
Celebrates the youth and being young
Subscribe to the idea of evolution
Eastern self
Focus on others and the feeling of others
It is all about collectivism
Tilted towards less assets
Inclined towards long life; long life is equated with wealth
Wealth and poverty are the result of fortune and luck
Values the wisdom of years and seniority
Subscribe to concept of reincarnation
Western concept of self
1. Self is a social construction which is symbolically and signally created between and among social beings
2. Phenomenological object which can be productively studied through a series of evanescent actions, self is multidimensional entity
3. Self is an interpersonal unit
4. Self takes form in communication
5. Self is intimately connected to bodily experience both ontogenetically and here and now awareness
6. Self is both phenomenal and non-phenomenal
7. Self acquires substance according to semantic, syntactic and pragmatic
Eastern concept of self
1. A gentleman by following the moral way consisting of the virtues of love, righteousness, wisdom, propriety and loyalty in order to promote harmony in society (Confucianism)
2. (Theravada) detachment and desire lessnessto reach nirvana; reciprocal relationship;(Mahayana) compassion to other humans for belief that we are part of the same ever-changing universe (Buddhism)
3. Attainment of liberation in the identification of Atman (the spiritualessence of all individual human beings) and Brahman (the spiritual essence of the universe) through the Four Yogas(Hinduism)
4. Concept of Kapwa, recognition of sharedidentity, an inner self shared with others; Two levels or modes of social interaction – ibang-tao or "outsider" and hindi ibang-tao or "oneof-us" (Filipino Psychology)
People are autonomous and independent from their in-groups
Give priority to their personal goals of their in-groups
Behave on their basis of attitudes rather than norms
Interdependent within their in-groups
Give priority to the goals of their in groups
In-groups primarily shape their behavior
Behave in a communal way
Concerned in maintaining relationship with others
Physical self
The body which we interface with our environment and fellow being
A tangible aspect of the person that can be directly observed and examined
William James on physical self
Body is the initial source of sensation and necessary for the origin and maintenance of personality. It is an element of spiritual hygiene of supreme significance
Sigmund Freud on physical self
In Psychoanalytical school, construction of self and personality makes the physical body the core of human experience
Wilhelm Reich on physical self
Mind and body are one; all psychological processes, are a part of physical processes, and vice versa
Erik Erikson on physical self
The role of bodily organs is especially important in early developmental stages of a persons life. Later in life, the development of physical as well as intellectual skills help determine whether the individual will achieve a sense of competence and ability to choose demanding roles in a complex society
CarlJung on physical self
Physical body and the external world can be known only as psychological experiences
B.F. Skinner on physical self
The role of the body is of primary importance
We all know that self-esteem comes from what you think of you, not what other people think of you
Types of self-esteem
Inflated self-esteem
High self-esteem
Low self-esteem
Sexual self
Refers to a broad spectrum in which humans display their sexuality
Consists of the actions that relate to sex, reproduction, and satisfaction through stimulation of sexual organs
Human sexual behavior
Defined as any activity – solitary, between two persons or in a group – that induces sexualarousal
The inheritedsexual response patterns
The degree of restraint or other types of influence exerted on the individual by society in the expression of his sexuality
Male reproductive system
Testis - source of spermatozoa (male germ cell)
Scrotum - sac of skin
Prostate glands - secrete urine and seminal fluid
Penis - where ejaculation occurs
Sperm - male gamete
Female reproductive system
Ovary - source of oba or ovum
Fallopian tube - where sperm cell and egg cell meet
Uterus - womb; zygote (fertilized egg) developed into a baby
Vagina - tube leading outside the body
Vulva - opening of the frs
Sexual intercourse
1. Semen from male is discharged in the vagina
2. Sperms will begin moving up to the uterus reaching the fallopian tube
3. During the travel most of the sperms will die while climbing up the fallopian tube, only one sperm will enter the ovum and can remain alive for only 12 hours
4. If it meets ovum it will lead to fertilization
5. Zygote (fertilized egg) will form in an embryo from which will enter gestation period
Erogenous zone
Part of the body that particularly sensitive to touch, pressure and vibration which contributes to sexual arousal
Identifying erogenous zone ("hot spots") gives different reaction and effect to a person
These could bring sexual satisfaction, also, improves sexual health and stimulating different spots may produce different reaction to the body
Erogenous zones
Reproductive organ (vagina, penis, scrotum & clitoris)
Mouth (lips)
Breast (nipples)
Phases of sexual response
Excitement phase
Plateau phase
Orgasm phase
Resolution phase
A sexual attraction and behavior directed to other sex. More than male-female intercourse, it involves kissing, petting, caressing, massaging and other form of sexual activities
Homosexuality and bisexuality
Homosexuals is a romantic and/or sexual attraction between members of samesex
Bisexuals are person who can be romantically or sexually attracted to same sex and the othersex
Some male homosexuals prefer the term Gay and some female homosexual prefer the term Lesbian
Gays and Lesbian as preference for a terminology refer not only to their sexual preference but also as Genderpreference
These are people who believed they were born with the body of the other gender
Men transsexuals believe that they are men in a women's body and women transsexuals believe that they are women in a men's body
Transsexuals sometimes seek sex exchange operations, which undergo several steps such as intensive sexual counseling, hormone injections, living as member of desired sex for several years, surgery
These are people who view themselves as a thirdgender, they are transvestites (who wears clothes of the other gender) or those who believed that traditional male-femaleclassifications inadequately characterized them
Natural contraception
Calendar method
Artificial contraception
Various artificial methods
People who believed they were born with the body of the other gender
Men transsexuals believe they are men in a women's body, women transsexuals believe they are women in a men's body
Transsexuals sometimes seek sex exchange operations, which undergo several steps such as intensive sexual counseling, hormone injections, living as member of desired sex for several years, surgery
People who view themselves as a third gender, they are transvestites (who wears clothes of the other gender) or those who believed that traditional male-female classifications inadequately characterized them
Natural Contraception
Calendar method
Lactation amenorrhea
Coitus interruptus
Artificial Method of Contraception
Oral contraception
Transdermal patch
Vaginal ring
Subdermal implants
Hormonal injection
Intrauterine device (IUD)
Chemical barriers
Male and female condom
Surgical methods (vasectomy and tubal ligation)
Most effective way of birth control, done through abstaining from sexual intercourse, also the most effective way to avoid STIs
Calendar Method
Also called as the Rhythm Method, involves avoiding coitus during the days that the woman is fertile