
Cards (21)

  • Light
    • wavelength of light determines colour
    • visible spectrum is only a small range
  • The eyes
    • Light enters through cornea, pupil, lens
    • lens focuses light
    • inverts the image
    • why don't we see world upside down? bc brain re-inverts the image
    • this can be learned and unlearned
    • light is focused onto retina
  • The retina
    • our retina is inverted
    • rods; very sensitive to light
    • cones; less light sensitive, specific colour for each eye
    • horizontal, bipolar, amacrine cells; collect input from rods and cones, pass to ganglion cells
    • ganglion cells; send message into brain
  • The inverted vertebrate retina
    • light sensitive cells at back
    • causes blind spot
    • reduces amount of light
    • why?
    • evolutionary baggage
    • cells help limit damage to rods and cones
    • rods and cones require massive amounts of oxygen for signal amplification
    • blood vessels need to be close
    • blood absorbs light
  • The big lie
    • rods and cones actually firing most of the time
    • being hit by light reduces their firing
    • most or all of their synapses onto bipolar and amacrine cells inhibitory
    • process:
    • light hits rod and cone cell
    • cell reduces firing
    • inhibition on bipolar cell decreases
    • bipolar cell fires more
    • the two negatives cancel out
  • Neurons?
    • Rods and cones and many other sensory cells are weird:
    • no axons
    • no action potential
    • do release transmitter
    • all the time
    • except when inhibited by light
    • for cones:
    • diff frequencies inhibit more or less
  • Perceiving colour
    • perception of most colours depends on the relative firing rates of all the diff cones
    • bipolar and amacrine cells combine diff stimulation to do initial processing of colour (shape, movement)
  • Double vision
    • need detailed vision
    • discriminate tiger from a cat
    • need sensitive vision
    • see things fast (processing details takes time)
    • see in dark (details require light)
    • we have 2 kinds of vision:
    • at cellular level
    • rods; sensitive to low levels of light
    • cones; see colour but need light
    • at retina level
    • fovea; detailed, high acuity, lots of cells
    • periphery; mostly rods, low acuity, high sensitivity
    • at brain level
    • 2 diff pathways for processing; fast and detailed
  • Visual pathways I
    • visual stimulus in the world
    • enter eyeball, impinges on retina
    • excites rods and cones
    • send signals to bipolar, horizontal cells
    • some processing (edge detection)
    • signals collected in ganglion cells
    • axons exit through blind spot
    • crossover at optic chiasm
    • info from each visceral field goes to contralateral visual cortex
  • Visual pathway II
    • after optic chiasm
    • lateral geniculate nucleus (of thalamus)
    • some more processing
    • messages sent on to cortex
    • also received from cortex, for attention focusing
    • primary visual cortex (V1)
  • Receptive fields
    • every cell responds to some stimuli
    • rods; very small region of space
    • cones; small region of space and one colour
    • ganglion cells: slightly larger region
    • V1 cells; areas of space, orientations of lines
    • often visuotopically arranged; nearby cells respond to similar orientations
    • this can be changed by experience
    • V2 and V3 cells; movement
    • V4 cells' colour and other things
    • we get representation of the important features of any stimulus
  • Complex receptive fields
    • some cells in inferior temporal cortex respond selectively to a particular object
    • independent of orientation, size, lighting
    • cells can respond to:
    • movement, size, colour, shape, orientation
    • specific shapes only
    • parts of object
    • how is this determined?
    • specific sensitivity can be altered by learning
    • evolution has prepared us to pay attention to certain features
  • Biological motion
    • objects that move like living things are perceived as the implied object
  • Recognizing faces
    • humans are very good at seeing faces from a very young age
    • lots of activity in the fusiform gyrus
    • evolutionary advantage;
    • need to recognize members of our group
    • need to do it fast
    • must correct for ageing, injuries, hair loss
  • What makes a face?
    • Damage to the fusiform gyrus causes prosopagnosia
    • inability to recognize faces
    • inability sometimes to tell faces from other objects
    • faces are recognized by the fusiform by configuration
    • upside down faces don't activate the fusiform
    • harder, slower to identify
  • Other expertise
    • fusiform also responds to any visual stimulus people are experts at
    • car enthusiasts: can identify faster than other people at identifying cars
    • we need to create the expertise
    • greebles
    • train subjects to identify individuals and families
    • test with inverted or new greebles
    • greeble experts fusiform reacts to greebles
  • Ventral and dorsal streams
    • diff aspects of visual stimuli are processed in parallel (at the same time)
    • what the object is; ventral stream
    • where the object is; dorsal stream
    • damaging to different areas leads to diff deficits
    • similar dual pathways exist for other sensory modalities
  • Theories of colour vision
    • Trichromatic theory
    • we compare the activation of three cone types
    • does not explain colour afterimages well
    • opponent-process theory
    • has limitations
    • retinex theory
    • its all too complex for the retina, it must be the cortex
  • Opponent-process theory
    • colour is detected along 3 axes: blue/yellow, red/green, white/black
    • bipolar cells react to changes in the rate of firing of cells
    • detection of blueness:
    • blue cone synapses onto bipolar cell
    • red/green cones inhibit bipolar cell
    • increase in blue cone firing leads to perception of blue
    • decrease in blue leads to yellow
    • afterimage:
    • blue cells gets tired form lots of firing
    • decreases level of firing, u see yellow
  • Inhibition in the retina
    • Horizontal cells are weird
    • no axon, no action potentials
    • functioning:
    • whenever they are excited, they produce inhibition
    • locally; more inhibition closer to where it was excited
    • E.g; light hits rod #8
    • rod 8 excited, fires
    • excites bipolar (B) #8
    • excites horizontal (H)
    • H inhibits nearby B
    • B8 inhibited a lot but also excited
    • B6, B7, B8, B10 inhibited
  • Edge detection
    • Light hits rod 6-10
    • B6-10 excited
    • H also excited; releases inhibitions
    • inhibits B6-10 lots
    • B7, B8,B9 inhibited from both sides
    • B6,B10 inhibited form one side only
    • inhibits B4,B5,B11,B12 some
    • final activity
    • B5,B11- least (inhibition only)
    • B7,B8,B9- weak (strong inhibition + excitation)
    • B6, B10- most (medium inhibitions+ strong excitation)