Antepartum 2b

Cards (16)

  • Who needs additional testing?
    Young (<16) or old mom (>35)
    Maternal disease (HTN, preeclampsia, diabetes, & heart disease)
    Rh isoimmunization
    Suspected IUGR
    Post-dates pregnancy
    Multiple gestation
  • What's the order of behaviors lost in reverse due to fetal hypoxia?
    FHR reactivity @ 28-32 weeks
    Sucking @ 12-14 weeks
    Breathing movement @11-12 weeks
    General movement @8-9 weeks
    Muscle tone detected @7-8 weeks
  • Non-stress test
    Done in the third trimester
    Use of external FHR monitor to observe for FHR reactivity (or accelerations)
  • Reactive test results
    An increase of 15 bpm for 15 seconds with 2 episodes in 20 minutes
  • Contraction Stress Test (CST)
    Use of external FHR monitor in conjunction with uterine contractions to observe for late decelerations
    Used to determine how the fetal heart responds to uterine contractions that temporarily decrease placental blood flow
    Negative test: no FHR late decelerations with 3 contractions lasting at least 40 seconds
  • What consists of biophysical profile?
    1. FHR accelerations
    2. Fetal Breathing movements
    3. Gross fetal movement
    4. Fetal tone
    5. Amniotic fluid volume/index
  • Amniotic fluid volume/index
    More than 10 cm is reassuring
  • Modified biophysical profile
    Combines a NST with an amniotic fluid index (AFI)
    Normal= reactive NST, and an AFI greater than 5 cm
  • Doppler and Color Ultrasound Blood Flow Studies
    Uses sound waves to detect the movement of blood in vessels
    Can be initiated at 16-18 weeks
    Assess fetal-placental perfusion and blood flow to brain, heart
    measures systolic to diastolic (s/d) ratio
  • Amniocentesis second trimester
    Genetic testing @15-20 weeks
    Diagnose neural tube defects & downs (16-19 weeks)
  • Amniocentesis third trimester
    Test for lung maturity after 32 weeks
  • Amniocentesis
    Test for intrauterine infections and hemolytic disease (maternal Rh sensitization -> fetal anemia)
  • L/S Ratio, PG, PI tests
    Done to assess fetal lung maturity
    L/S ratio 2:1 indicates lung maturity (by 35-46 weeks)
    Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and phosphatidylinositol (PI): positive results indicate fetal lung maturity
  • Amniocentesis Risks
    May increase spontaneous abortions <15 weeks
    Trauma to fetus, umbilical cord, or placenta
    Maternal infection
    Rh sensitization from fetal blood entering maternal circulation
  • Chorionic villus sampling
    Done at 10-13 weeks
    Used for prenatal genetic diagnosis
    Slight increased risk of spontaneous abortion
  • Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
    Also called cordocentesis or PUBS
    Involves the aspiration of fetal blood from the umbilical cord near the placenta for prenatal diagnosis or therapy
    Used to detect blood disorders, acid-base imbalance, infection, or fetal genetic disease