The other senses, pain

Cards (22)

  • Sound
    • sound is waves of air compression
    • things that move, move the air around them
    • air gets compressed
    • molecules move, compression moves along
  • Hearing
    • the ear has to translate changes in air pressure into nerve impulses
    • 3 parts:
    • outer: funnels the sound into ear
    • middle: registers and transmits the vibrations
    • inner: cochlea, generates nerve impulses
  • Cochlea
    • identifies the amplitude and frequency of the sound
    • arranged in a spiral, getting narrower towards the end
    • 2 channels:
    • from oval window to end
    • from end to round window
  • Neurons in the ear
    • basilar and vestibular membranes move when the pressure changes
    • this moves the hair cells
    • which have synapses onto cochlear neurons
    • which send messages to the brain
  • Hearing frequency (pitch)
    • how does the cochlea identify frequency?
    • 3 leading theories:
    1. Place theory: different points along the cochlea are sensitive to diff frequencies
    • narrower areas react to higher frequencies
    • we must be phase-deaf
    1. Frequency theory: cochlear neurons fire at the frequency of the sound
    • human hearing range= 20-20,000 Hz
    • neurons can't fire that fast
    • partial: each cell could fire on some cycles
    1. combination
    • frequency theory for low frequency sounds (<100 Hz)
    • partial frequency theory for intermediate (<4000 Hz)
    • place theory for high frequency (>4000 Hz)
  • Sound in the brain
    • from ear, the messages go to
    • cochlea nucleus (in brainstem)
    • thalamus (medial geniculate nucleus)
    • primary auditory cortex (A1) in the temporal lobe
    • like vision:
    • info crosses to contralateral sides
    • diff processing areas for diff features
    • some are very speacialized
    • Localized damage leads to various deficits
    • unlike vision:
    • basic hearing is sub-cortical
    • damage to A1 does not results in complete deafnes
  • Localizing sound
    • often important to know where sound is coming from
    • we can use;
    • the difference in amplitude between the ears
    • the different in phase between the ears
    • the different in time between the ear
    • also many complex mechanisms in the cortex
    • cocktail party effect
    • attend to one ear only
    • ur name spoken in the other ear
    • name is heard but other things are not
  • A neat trick
    Why are we not defined by our own speech?
    • the tympanic membrane reacts to vibrations
    • when we speak, we vibrate a lot of things
    • during activation of the larynx muscles, muscles in the middle ear also activates, inhibiting the movement of the middle ear bones
    • during speech, neurons in A1 are inhibited (probably by speech producing areas of the cortex)
    • if ur talking, ur literally not listening
  • other senses
    • Mechanical
    • sensing physical changes (movements) of parts of the body
    • auditory; movement of the eardrum
    • vestibular; movement of head
    • touch; movement of the skin
    • chemical
    • sensing chemicals
    • smells; vaporized chemicals
    • taste; liquid/solid chemicals
  • Vestibular sense
    • helps maintain balance and stabilize vision
    • we need to know the orientation of our own head (eyes) in 3 dimensions:
    • horizontal (move head side to side; say no)
    • vertical (look up, look down; say yes); posterior
    • roll (get water out of ear); anterior
    • each canal detects movement in one dimensions
    • similar mechanism to cochlea; moving fluid moves hair cells
    • helped by the utricle and saccule
    • also have hair cells
    • moved by otoliths
  • Touch
    • many diff types of receptors in the skin
    • raw nerve endings
    • Merkel disks
    • Pacini corpuscles
    • different types of touch: soft sharp, deep, painful, itchy, hot, cold
    • pathways:
    • sensory nerves connect to spinal cord
    • pathway up through thalamus (ventral posterolateral nucleus)
    • then up to primary somatosensory cortex
  • The chemical senses
    • taste and smell
    • much of the input combines in the brain
    • flavour= taste + smell
    • this is why our noses are over our mouths
    • unlike other senses
    • the receptors are exposed to the chemicals
    • receptors can be modified by chemicals
    • cells are damaged and need to be replaced throughout lifetime
  • Taste buds
    • chemicals on the tongue are detected by taste receptors, inside tastebuds
    • some of them fire APs but its unknown
    • 5 types
    • salty, sweet, bitter, savoury (glutamate), sour
    • each type has diff receptors on membrane
    • uniformly arranged on tongue
  • Taste pathway
    • receptors in the tongue activate sensory neurons
    • some cells respond to only one taste
    • some cells respond with diff patterns to all tastes
    • neurons enter medulla oblongata
    • to thalamus (ventral posterior medial nucleus)
    • to gustatory tract cortex (insula)
  • Smell
    • unlike other senses;
    • hundreds of diff receptors, each for one odor
    • pathway
    • odor receptors in nose (neurons)
    • direct to limbic system, but also thalamus
    • to olfactory cortex
    • cortical cells are arranged topographically
    • neurons close to each other react to things that smell similar
  • Sensory summary
    information from our senses:
    • enters through special receptors
    • translate the signal from a physical change in the environment into the neural signal
    • signal passes into brain
    • through the spinal cord if from the body
    • directly if from head
    • goes to thalamus
    • expect olfaction
    • dedicated nucleus
    • up to dedicated cortical area
    • further processing throughout the cortex
  • Pain
    • pain= perception of aching or unbearable sensation (feeling pain)
    • nociception= sensory process that provides signal possible causing pain
  • Pain pathway
    • Nociceptors in the skin; raw nerve endings
    • several kinds of axons varying in thickness, myelination
    • some nociceptors are on internal organs, send signals to same part of spine
    • axons end in spinal cord
    • thalamus
    • then to cortex
    • somatosensory cortex
    • anterior cingulate gyrus; mediates emotional response to pain
    • other areas: hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex
  • How pain hurts
    Several mechanisms modulate pain signals
    • bradykinin (small peptide):
    • released by cells in skin in response to damage
    • stimulates (depolarizes) some nociceptors (that react to heat)
    • contributes to some chronic pain (B1 receptors over-expressed)
    • prostaglandins (hormones):
    • sensitize nociceptors
    • cause inflammation, fever
    • substance P (neuropeptide):
    • released from nociceptor axons
    • intensifies perception of pain
    • causes vasodilation, histamine release
  • Drugs
    • Substance P is inhibited
    • by opioids (morphine, herion)
    • by endorphins
    • which bind to presynaptic receptors and prevent it from being released into body
    • also prevent GABA from being released in the brain
    • which prevent GABA from preventing the release of dopamine, which increases dopamine levels, which decreases pain
  • Other pains
    The pain pathway can be stimulated by other stimuli
    • emotional pain
    • sympathetic pain
    • these activate the same brain area, especially cingulate cortex
    • hurt feeling can be relieved with acetaminophen
  • Reducing pain
    why does rubbing/pressing reduce pain?
    • gate control theory
    • pain tracts connect to nociceptors and touch cells
    • also connect inhibitory interneuron (excited by touch, inhibited by pain)
    • touch at the same time as pain can inhibit pain signals from processing to brain