Temporary. Volatile values (stored in variables) are lost when the computer loses its power. The Random Access Memory (RAM) is being used when a Java program stores a value in a variable.
Consists of data that can be read in a text editor. Data in a text file is encoded using a scheme. The most common schemes are ASCII and Unicode. Examples are program files and application files.
Contains data that is not encoded as text. This file has contents in binary format, which means they cannot be understood by viewing them in a text editor. Examples are images, music, and the .class extension files which are created after compiling Java programs.
Creates objects that contain information about files and directories, such as sizes, locations, creation dates, and is used to check whether a file or directory exists.
A flow of data. If the data is taken from a source (such as a file or the keyboard) and is delivered into a program, it is called an input stream. If the data is delivered from a program to a destination (such as a file or the screen), it is called an output stream.