behavioural neuroscience
Sleep, hunger, thirst, emotion
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function of sleep
body; energy conservation, muscle and immune system repair
brain; adenosine clearance, memory consolidation, reorganization, REM
actions have to be rhythmical
heartbeat, walking, breathing
many diff scales
diff brain mechanisms for generating these rhythms
simple pattern generator neurons (for fast rhythms
hormonal fluctuations (for long-term rhythms)
The wakefulness pathway
Light enters eyes
strikes intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells (ipRCG), which express melanopsin
project directly to suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
periventricular nuclei of the thalamus
down spinal cord
superior cervical region
back up pineal gland
releases melatonin
hormone that affects waking
seeing the light
Melatonin causes sleepiness
released in the few hours before sleep
the wakefulness pathway is inhibited by light
cells of the SCN are rhythm generators
can continue to generate a rhythm even in vitro
molecular mechanism
PER and TIM genes
Individual differences
Different individuals' SCN and pineal are more active at diff time
melatonin production varies with age
younger adults usually more alter later in day
older adults usually more alert in the morning
individuals' differences peak alertness times
'larks' and 'night owls'
activity cycles can change circadian rhythm
night shift workers have suppressed melatonin production
Stages of sleep
5 diff types of sleep
normal sleep alternates between them approx. every 90 mins
stage 1
shallow sleep
EEG; very little activity
stage 2
shallow sleep
EEG; erratic
stages 3 and 4
deep sleep
EEG; large, slow waves
REM (paradoxical sleep)
EEG activity irregular, low amplitude
large, rapid eye movement back and forth
paradoxical bc
lots of brain activity
body relaxed, muscles paralyzed
PGO waves (pons, geniculate, occipital)
REM is important
dreams occur
sleep deprivation leads to increase in REM
REM deprivation leads to increases in REM
PGO-like waves during waking (and hallucinations)
Pathways of sleep and arousal
sleep is mostly a
function of GABA release
sleep is
modulated all over brain
can be localized to only part of the brain
brain trying to make sense of day's info
brain lacking for other stimulation
Internal regulation
-body needs to maintain certain levels of chemicals
body requires glucose at a certain minimal rate
blood concentration and volume require water
parts of body need to be rebuilt, which requires raw material
-mechanisms controlling substance intake (eating, drinking) mostly depends on hormones and neuropeptides
hypothalamus; regulates hormone release
concentration of the blood and volume of blood (blood pressure) must be kept within a narrow range
brain regulates water intake by thirst
two kinds:
osmotic thirst
consuming salty food increases the concentration of blood
drink water to reduce the concentration
hypovolemic thirst
sweating, bleeding, vomiting reduces volume of liquid in body
drink/eat salty things to increase volume but maintain concentration
Mechanisms of thirst
decreased water volume is detected
brain releases vasopressin
contracts blood vessels, increases BP
reabsorbs liquid from urine
releases angiotensin II
by neurons around third ventricle, which projects to hypothalamus, makes u drink
when blood concentration increases
concentration of salts outside cells increases, cells lose water
neurons in OVLT, SFO detect loss of water
hypothalamus makes u drink
You are what you eat
need to eat things our body needs for energy, repair, chemical balance, growth
brain needs to control
what we eat
when we eat
several diff mechanism for safety
foods may contain chemicals that affect brain
tryptophan, beta-adrenergic blockers, caffeine
current diet is not natural
Brain mechanisms of eating
how much to eat:
stomach distension
full stomach stimulated vagus nerve (cranial nerve #10), affects hypothalamus
rich foods five more calories/weight
food in duodenum
releases CCK, stimulated vagus nerve, hypothalamus
more CCK u have, the less hungry you'll be
oral mechanisms (amount of chewing)
When to eat, when to stop eating
-Extraction of glucose has 2 stages
eating, digesting, storing excess as fat
entrance of glucose into cells
mediated by insulin levels
longer-term monitoring of fat levels
high levels indicate satiety, reduce eating
desensitization of hypothalamus to leptin contributes to obesity
Hypothalamus and hunger
-Hypothalamus receives lots of input from and body
Ghrelin: hormone indicating hunger (increasing appetite)
Leptin, insulin, CCK
-signals go to the periventricular nucleus (PVN)
hunger inhibits PVN; satiety activates it
-PVN projects to lateral hypothalamus
releases orexin which increases hunger and arousal
modulates digestion, insulin levels, taste sensitivity
hunger is the best flavouring bc of lateral hypothalamus (good will taste even more good, bad will taste more bad when hungry)
-What is emotion (affect)?
three parts
cognition; evaluating the situation
feeling; happy, sad, angry
action; run away, attack, cry
brain makes unconscious decisions about the situation
quickly, automatically
using heuristics; simple rules; not considering all info
emotions causes u to want to act (motion) or inhibit action
Evolutionary aspects
-reacting quickly is important
more important than considering all info
some situations are complex; emotions give the simple answer
Specificity of action
-Emotions motivate the action that is usually appropriate to the situation
fear-> run away, anger-> attack, happy-> smile, disgusted-> make a face
Which emotions?
-which things count as emotions?
6 basic emotions; happy, sad, anger, fear, disgust, surprise
can combine into compound emotions
measured on 2 axes:
valence (positive or negative)
arousal (intensity; strong, weak)
Creating emotion
-emotional responses activate the peripheral nervous system
sympathetic; fight or flight
parasympathetic; rest and digest
James-Lange theory
-Emotional timeline:
brain evaluates situation, decides on best response
peripheral system gear up for a response (preparing for action)
sensing peripheral activation causes feeling
-response preceded feeling
-experimental evidence
forcing the response can increase the emotion
preventing the response can limit emotion
damage to body can limit affect
Where in the brain
-No one has found an area where emotions are created, processed, control
occur all over brain
no clear correlation between valence or arousal and a particular region
-the insula in involved in disgust
also contains primary gustatory cortex
-possibly diff emotions in the two hemispheres
Fight or Flight
-Activation of
sympathetic nervous system
anger, fear
some generic effects, interact with environmental factors
some of the mechanisms are hormonal
slower, longer-lasting response
triple imbalance theory of anger
Triple imbalance
leads to aggression
released by stress
increases fear and inhibition
reduction leads to aggression
high levels inhibit aggression
also inhibits other behaviour
-Made from tryptophan
tryptophan enters the brain through active transport
other amino acids can compete for space on the transporter
-no clear location in brain but closely related to amygdala
involved in: fear response, learning to fear things, directing attention to surprising/ scary stimuli
can infect humans, not dangerous expect for compromised immune systems or fetuses
-response of the body to any threat
; external dangers, disease, injury
-3 stages (selye):
initial emotion
(fear, anger)
of the
short lived
long term rise in immune activity
Sympathetic system stands down
lots of cortisol
after a long time in resistance
nervous and immune systems crash
Physiology of stress
-activation of the HPA axis
hypothalamus release CRH
pituitary releases ACTH
locus coeruleus (in pons) release norepinephrine
adrenal glands release cortisol
increase/decrease immune function
increases available glucose (reduces fat reserves)
improves/impairs memory
reduces protein synthesis
complex relationship, still not understood
Evolution of stress
-why would we need this response?
for external threats
dangers some in groups
being primed increases speed of response
for disease
combatting disease requires that the body not interfere
body has limited resources and must prioritize
external threats are usually more immediate, activation of SNS inhibits immune response
disease responses reduce body activity
Anxiolytic drugs
-amygdala projects to
hypothalamus which mediates physiological response to fear
inhibited by GABA
-increasing GABA activity everywhere decreases fear activation
benzodiazepines (Valium,Xanax, lactium) bing to one subunit of GABAa receptors and sensitize them
alcohol increase GABA and is anxiolytic