simplediscretemolecules with weakintermolecularforces of attraction
Lowmp and bp, smallamount of energy needed to overcomeweakintermolecularfoa between alkene molecules
mp and bpincreasedown the homologousseries, intermolecularfoabetweenalkenemoleculesincrease as molecularsizeincreases, moreenergyrequired to overcomeintermolecularfoa
flowlesseasily as relativemolecularmassincreases, intermolecularfoa becomes stronger.Viscosityincreases down the homologousseries
insoluble in water
soluble in organicsolvents
Chemical Properties (Alkenes)
Alkenesundergocompletecombustion in the presence of oxygen to formcarbondioxide and water
Alkenes burn with smokier and sootierflame than alkanes as they containhigherpercentage by mass of carboncompared to correspondingalkanes
Undergoadditionreactions as they containcarbon-carbondoublebonds which are reactive
Addition Reaction
Atoms of reactant can be addedacross a carbon-carbondoublebond in alkene to form a singlesaturated product
Bromination (Addition of liquidbromine)
Hydration (Addition of steam)
Hydrogenation (Addition of hydrogen)
Alkenesreact with liquidbromine at roomtemperature
When Alkenes are bubblethroughliquidbromine, red-brownsolution is decolourised or turns colourless