Neural and hormonal AO3

Cards (12)

  • Who supported the role of the amygdala in aggressive behaviour?
    Gospic et al., (2011)
  • Describe the procedure and findings of Gospic et al., (2011)'s study

    Conducted a laboratory study assessin aggressive behaviour in the 'Ultimatum Game' in which the proposer offered to split money in a certain way with the responder. Participants played as responders and had their brains scanned by fMRIs to highlight brain activity. This is strong evidence of association between reactive aggression and amygdala activity.
  • What two effect did Gospic find benzodiazepine had on the responders?
    Halved the number of rejections (i.e. reduced aggression) and descreased activity of the amygdala
  • How is it difficult to isolate parts of the limbic system and their affect on aggression?
    It is made up of multiple subcortical structures, and the interactions of the brain regions and their role on aggression specifically is difficult to investigate
  • Why is it problematic that it is difficult to isolate parts of the limbic system and their role on aggression?
    Raises ambiguity surrounding what components are responible in activating aggressive behaviour; a more compelling explanation may aim to uncover the role of each subcortical structure and their role in producing aggressive behaviour
  • Why is an advantage that there is positive correlation in hormonal influences to aggressive behaviour?
    Scientific credibility in explaining that testosterone plays a significant role in regulating social behaviours; formation of concrete conclsions and better able to predict the onset of behaviours, meeting a core aim of psychology
  • What evidence is there for a positive correlation in hormonal influence to aggressive behaviour?
    Archer (2004)
  • What did Archer (2004) find?

    In a meta-analysis of sex difference, males were more physically aggressive than females (+.55 d-value)
  • Why can the neural and hormonal explanation be criticised for being biologically deterministic?
    Assumption that subcortical structures or hormones alone cause aggression ignores the role of free will and autonomy, allowing their cognitive processes to override biological urges should they wish o do so
  • Why is disadvantageous that the neural and hormonal explanation of aggressive is biologically deterministic?

    The aggressor is denied moral accountability for their actions as the complex human behaviour is over-simplified and explained to be a result of nature
  • Why is it unrealistic for aggression to be solely determined by biology?
    Human behaviour is shaped through the interaction of both nature and nurture; it is unrealistic and inadequate to fully explain aggressive biologically
  • Discuss neural and hormonal explanations of aggression (16 marker)
    AO1: Limbic system, SDH
    AO3 (+): Gospic et al., (2011) 'Ultimatum Game'
    AO3 (-): Isolation of limbic system
    AO1: Hormonal
    AO3 (+): Archer (2004)
    AO3 (-): Biologically deterministic