A sample of the population is asked what offences have been committed against them over a period of time.
+ Overcomes the dark figure of crime
+ Gives the perspective of the victim
+ Useful for looking at trends overtime
+ Some surveys provided more detail on particular places
- Recollections can be faulty or biased
- Categorisation is left to candidate, so can be inaccurate
- Overlook a range of crimes like corporate and fraud
- Dependent on people being aware they are victims
- Not all crimes have victims
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW): collected annually, 35,000 adults and 3,000 children are sampled. In 2013, the response rate was 75% . Tends to suggest crime rates are 4x higher than police statistics suggest
Islington Crime Survey: reported high levels of victimisation of ethnic groups and domestic violence