EIA Process

Cards (8)

  • EIA Process
    1. Initial inquiries
    2. Full EIA study or EIS report
    3. Screening
    4. Scoping
    5. Evaluate baseline situation
    6. Identify and choose alternatives
    7. Identify and characterize potential impacts
    8. Develop mitigation and monitoring
    9. Communicate and document
  • Screening
    Process of asking basic questions about the nature of the activity to determine the level of environmental analysis indicated
  • Screening questions
    • Does the activity involve penetration road building?
    • Does it involve large-scale irrigation?
    • Does it involve introduction of non-native crop or agroforestry species?
  • Categorizing the risk
    Determining if the risk is low, very high, moderately high, or unknown
  • The outcome of the screening process determines the next step in the EIA process
  • Preliminary Assessment
    1. Prepare documentation and analysis to determine if significant adverse impacts are likely or not
    2. Allow reviewer to agree or disagree with preparer's determinations
    3. Set out mitigation and monitoring for adverse impacts
  • Preliminary Assessment Outline
    • Background (development objective, list of activities)
    • Description of baseline situation
    • Evaluation of potential environmental impacts
    • Mitigation and monitoring
    • Recommended findings
  • Preliminary assessment has three possible findings: 1) Project is very unlikely to have significant adverse impacts, 2) Project is unlikely to have significant adverse impacts, 3) Project is likely to have significant adverse impacts