EIA Phase I and II

Cards (12)

  • Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.
  • Mitigation
    The implementation of measures designed to reduce the undesirable effects of a proposed action on the environment.
  • Arriving at findings in preliminary assessment
    1. Identify potential impacts
    2. Predict potential impacts
    3. Judge significance of potential impacts
  • Identifying potential impacts

    • Use resources that describe potential impacts of typical small-scale activities
  • Predicting potential impacts
    • Determine which potential impacts are likely to become actual
    • Quantify the impacts to the extent possible
  • Judging significance of potential impacts
    • Determine whether predicted impacts are significant or not
    • Assess likelihood of impacts occurring (e.g. 100% vs 80%)
    • Depends on effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures
  • Predicting impacts
    1. Quantitative analysis (simulation models, statistical analysis)
    2. Qualitative analysis (professional judgment, brainstorming)
  • Cannot get primary data for this subject, will rely on professional judgment.
  • Will only proceed to full EIA study if preliminary assessment indicates it is required, as some small-scale activities do not require full EIA.
  • Full EIA study
    • Formal scoping process to identify issues to be addressed
    • More detailed analysis of environmental impacts
    • Formal definition and evaluation of alternatives
    • Required public participation
    • Professional EIA team required
  • The basic outline of the preliminary assessment is a template for the steps involved in the full EIA study.
  • Steps in full EIA study
    1. Scope/scoping
    2. Evaluate baseline situation
    3. Identify and choose alternatives
    4. Identify and characterize potential impacts of proposed activity and alternatives
    5. Compare alternatives
    6. Develop mitigation and monitoring
    7. Communicate and document throughout