Black individuals make up 13% of the prison population but 3% of the general population.
Black individuals 9x more likely to be stopped and searched.
Asian people 3x more likely to be stopped and searched
Institutional Racism still present?
Yes: stop and search show disparity, chief of met police stated it still exists, only 10% of officers are BAME
No: anti-racism training, greater recruitment of BAME officers
Patterns of Victimisation
23% of homicide rates are BAME
14x more likely to be victims of racially motivated crimes
Black people 5x more likely to be murder than white counterparts
1 in 3 gun murders contain a black victim and black suspect (interracial crimes on the increase)
Examples of Institutional Racism
Stephen Lawrence: murdered in 1993 in a racially motivated attack. Only two of his killers have been brought to justice whilst 4 others remain free. Macpherson Enquiry found the met to be institutionally racist due to their mishandling of this case.
CPS more likely to drop cases including black suspects suggesting police charge on no grounds
Moral Panics
Papers have fuelled fears over levels of migration through headlines like "Immigrants bring more crime" - daily express. Offending rates amongst Romanian, Bulgarian are in line with standard rates of offending
The profile of a typical judge is a white, middle class, middle aged man
Lea and Young
Argue there is convincing evidence that black males experience discrimination in the CJS but there is also lots of statistical information to state there may be high rates of criminality amongst them
Discusses 'paradox of inclusion' which is the desire to be part of mainstream (consumer) culture but poverty and racism leave criminal behaviour as the only way to achieve this
Violent gangs are a response to marginalisation and those cut off from society
Argues that the 'Myth of Black Criminality' serves as a political agenda which is fuelled by media and racism in the police
Policing the Crisis: looked at aggressive policing tactics such as stop and search, media legitimate these actions by portraying black community as criminal