muscular system

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  • muscular system
    • Refers to the skeletal system
    • Constitutes 40-50% of total body weight
    • A specialized tissue which converts chemical energyinto mechanical work, thus muscles is an instrument of action.
  • The essential function of muscle is contraction or
  • myo, mys - ("muscle")
  • sarco - ("flesh"),
  • MOVEMENTS OF THE BODY = everything that our mind conceives were being translated into actions through skeletal muscle contractions. (function)
  • RESPIRATION = main muscle for bathing is the diaphragm. (function)
  • PRODUCTION OF BODY HEAT = When skeletal muscles contract, heat is given off as a by-product. (function)
  • COMMUNICATION = involved in all aspects of communication, including speaking, writing, typing, gesturing, and facial expressions. (function)
  • CONTRACTION OF HEART = contraction of cardiac muscle causes the heart to beat, propelling blood to all parts of the body (function)
  • Skeletal muscle is responsible for most body movements
  • smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs and tubes and moves substances through them;
  • cardiac muscle is in the heart and pumps blood.
  • Muscle exhibits contractility (shortens forcefully or
    ability to shorten and thicken to generate to do work)
  • excitability/irritability (responds to stimuli)
  • extensibility (can be stretched and still contract without damaging the tissue),
  • elasticity (recoils to resting length or ability to return to its original form
    and shaped after contraction),
  • conductivity (ability to transmit impulses).
  • Minimal / liminal (threshold) - a stimulus which possesses just sufficient strength to produce a response.
  • Sub-minimal / subliminal (sub-threshold) - any stimulus of lesser strength.
  • Muscle tonus - a persistent or continuous state of slight muscle contraction.
  • POINT OF ORIGIN — fixed and proximal in position
  • POINT OF INSERTION — movable and distal in position
    • HEADS – muscles that may have more than 1 pt of origin
  • BELLY — thickest and fleshy portion of a muscle
    ● Muscle that produces most of force during a
    particular joint action
    ● group of muscle that performs a desired action. ○ ex.
    Biceps and brachialis
    ● Muscle that aids the prime mover
    ● May contribute additional force, modify the direction of
    movement, or stabilize a nearby joint ○ ex. Biceps Brachii
    ● The action opposes the prime movers.
    ● Prevents excessive movement
    ● Sometimes relaxes to give prime mover
  • ANTAGONIST PAIRS = muscles that act an opposite
    side of a joint
    ● muscle that prevents movement of bone ○ Rhomboids
  • Fascia (bandage)
    • a large sheet-like connective tissue that covers the entire muscle.
  • Tendons - cord of dense connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
  • Aponeurosis - broad, flattened connective tissue that attaches muscle to another muscle
  • Epimysium
    ● surrounds the entire skeletal muscle
    ● outermost layer, envelops the whole muscle.
  • Perimysium
    ● around each muscle fasciculus (bundle of muscle fibers)
    ● surrounds bundles of 10-100 or more individual muscle fiber
  • FASCICLES – bundles of muscle fibers
  • Endomysium - surrounds each muscle fiber
  • MUSCLE FIBER — MULTINUCLEATED, 2 or more nucleus inside skeletal muscle fiber.
  • SARCOLEMMA - cell membrane of the muscle fiber.
  • SARCOPLASM - cytoplasm of the muscle fiber. Contains nuclei, mitochondria, and myofibrils
  • MYOFIBRILS — protein filaments
  • MYOFIBRILS - are composed of two major protein fibers: actin and myosin.