Problem Solving

Cards (60)

  • Algorithm
    a methodical, logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problems.
  • Pseudocode
    a high-level description of the actions of a program or algorithm, using a mixture of English and informal programming language syntax
  • data type
    All values in a programming language have a "type" - such as a Number, Boolean, or String - that dictates how the computer will interpret it.
  • Integer
    All whole numbers (both positive and negative) and zero.
  • Real/Floating Point
    A number with a fractional part such as -13.125
  • Boolean
    A single value of either TRUE or FALSE
  • Character

    A letter,number or symbol represented in a character set table such as ASCII
  • string
    a sequence of characters usually enclosed in quotation marks
  • Arithmetic Operators
    The symbols +, -,, /, %, and* used to denote addition, subtraction (or negation), multiplication, division, percentage, and exponentiation in a formula.
  • DIV
    function used in programming to find the integer result of a division.
  • MOD
    function used in programming to find the remainder of a division.
  • len(string)
    returns the number of characters in a string
  • string.find(substring)
    Returns index of first location if found; returns -1 if not found
  • ord("a")

    Returns the integer value of a character from the ASCII table.
  • chr(97)

    Returns the character represented by the integer from the ASCII table.
  • Concatenation
    A process that joins two strings together using the + operator. Eg "string" + "string" = "stringstring".
  • Constant
    A value that does not change during program execution.
  • Variable
    A value that can change during program execution.
  • Selection
    A generic term for a type of programming construct (usually an if-statement) that uses a Boolean condition to determine, or select, whether or not to run a certain block of code.
  • Sequence
    Two or more programming statements that follow each other in order.
  • Iteration
    A generic term for a type of programming construct (usually a for or while statement) that uses Boolean conditions or counters to determine how many times a code block is repeated.
  • Assignment
    Assigning a value to a variable using the = operator.
  • Relational Operators
    Used to compare two values. Operators include ==,<,>,<=,>=,!=
  • IF...THEN...ELSE statement

    IF (expression1) THEN
    (do these statements)
  • SWITCH-CASE statement
    some programming languages support the use of switch/case statements. It is an alternative to nested IF statements.
    SWITCH (choice):
    CASE1 : print("You have chosen option 1)
    (more ststements)
    CASE 2: print("You have chosen option 2)
    (more ststements)
    CASE 3: print("You have chosen option 3)
    (more ststements)
  • Boolean Operators
  • While loop

    a programming construct used to repeat a set of commands while a boolean condition is true.
  • For loop
    Loops that have a predetermined start, stop, and increment (step interval).
  • repeat until loop
    A type of loop in some languages that is a post test loop, similar in structure to a do while loop, but terminates when the check condition is true, unlike the do while which terminates when the check is false.
  • do-while loop
    repeatedly executes a block of statements until a specified Boolean expression evaluates to false.
  • WHILE statement

  • FOR statement
    FOR (counter(optional start, stop step)):
    NEXT counter
  • REPEAT...UNTIL statement

    UNTIL (condition)
  • Nested loops
    a loop that is contained within another loop
  • Subroutine
    a named block of code which performs a specific task within a program.
  • Function
    A function is a subroutine that always returns 1 value.
  • Procedure
    A procedure is a subroutine that returns 0 or many values.
  • Function structure
    DEF functionname():
    return value

    DEF Main():
    value = functionname()
  • Procedure structure
    DEF procedurename():

    DEF Main():
  • Passing by value
    refers to the process of passing a copy of a variable's value to a subroutine.