
Cards (87)

  • Three-Age System
    Introduced by Christian Jurgensen Thomas in the early 19th century to classify artifacts
  • The Three-Age System
    • Stone Age (2.5 million years ago - 3,000 BC)
    • Bronze Age (3,000 - 1,200 BC)
    • Iron Age (1,500 BC - 450 AD)
  • Stone Age periods
    • Paleolithic Period (Old stone) (2.5 mya - 200,000 BC)
    • Mesolithic Period (Middle Stone) (10,000 - 3,000 BC)
    • Neolithic Period (New Stone) (10,000 - 3,000 BC)
  • Paleolithic Period
    • Humans evolved from ape-like to Homo sapiens, were hunter-gatherers who hunted wild animals and harvested plants for survival
    • Lower Palaeolithic - Age of human evolution and development of simple tools made from chipping stones
    • Middle Palaeolithic - Cultural development of Neanderthal man, use of fire, stone tools, and needles for clothes made with animal fur
    • Upper Palaeolithic - Communal huntings, extensive fishing, painting, and personal ornaments. Art arose with cave walls decorated with paintings and carvings. First manmade dwelling called "Pit houses"
  • Paleolithic Period contributions
    • Handmade tools (Crude stone tools) - Spear, Club, Sharpened stone, Cudgel, and chopper
    • Economy - Hunting and Gathering
    • Habitation - Mobile lifestyle; caves, huts or skin hovels, Pit Houses
    • Society - band of plant gatherers and hunters (25 - 100 people)
  • Mesolithic Period

    • Gradual change of human lives, retreat of glaciers from the ice age, fishing became prominent along rivers and lake shores, transition from food gathering to agriculture, stone tools known as "Microliths" which are smaller and delicate than Palaeoliths
  • Mesolithic Period contributions
    • Handmade tools - Bow and arrows, basket and boats for fishing
    • Economy - Hunting and Gathering
    • Habitation - Mobile lifestyle; caves, huts or skin hovels by rivers and lakes
    • Society - Tribes and Bands
  • Neolithic Period

    • Domestication of animals and plants for agriculture purposes, expansion of agriculture across the globe, use of stone tools, poetry, and weaving, ended with the introduction of metal tools
  • Neolithic Period contributions
    • Tools - Plough, hoe, chisel, and wool
    • Economy - Agriculture, Fishing, Hunting, and Domestication
    • Habitation - Farms became permanent settlements
  • Bronze Age

    Introduction of tools and weapons made with Metals such as copper or bronze, smelting (extraction of metal) and molding were used for tool creation
  • Iron Age
    Smelting advancements made it possible to produce higher temperatures to smelt Iron ore, Iron refined into Steel, a much harder metal than bronze, used in many weapons and tools
  • Developments in the Middle Age (450 - 1450 AD)
    • China - Acupuncture, paper-making, Seismograph, Printing press, Wheelbarrow, Invention of Gunpowder
    • Europe - Feudal system, Universities, Clock, Magnetic compass, Horse-collar, Watermill and Windmill, Gunpowder and Canon
    • India - Year is divided into 12 months, Medicine is nature-based, Solving square root and linear equations
  • Pre-Columbian America developments

    • Mayan - Solar Calendar, Cocoa Beans as monetary units, Pyramids, Scultures, and Heavenly bodies
    • Aztec - High temples, Solar calendar, and Decimal notations
    • Incas - Farming (Chilli and Avocado), Wool Clothes, Calendar of 365 days, Decimal counting system
  • Scientific Revolution (1440- 1690 AD) developments

    • Universe Model - by Nicholas Copernicus
    • Law of Planetary Motion - by Johannes Kepler
    • Work of Motion - by Galileo Galilei
    • Law of Motion - by Isaac Newton
    • Law of Universal Gravitation - by Isaac Newton
  • Industrial Revolution (1750 - 1895 AD) developments

    • 18th to 19th Century - Connection between science and technology was minimal
    • 20th Century - Science and technology had structurally and methodically changed, many theories were introduced
  • 20th Century developments
    • Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein
    • First walk on the moon
    • DNA Structure
    • Discovery of Proton, Neutron, nuclear fission
    • Genetic engineering
    • Artificial organs
    • Test Tube Baby - In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Information Age
    The change from traditional industry to an economy based on information computerization, birth of Personal Computers
  • Johannes Gutenberg
    Introduced "movable type printing" in Europe
  • Pre-Gutenberg World
    Books were written and produced by hand, made on surfaces of clay, wax, papyrus, and parchment
  • Gutenberg Revolution
    Began when printing was introduced, made information accessible to anyone, but expensive
  • Gutenberg Bible
    First book printed
  • Rise of Digital Age
    Modern technologies became a tool used in spreading information
  • Precolonial Period in the Philippines

    • Pre-existing geographically distributed, self-sufficient autonomous communities (Barangays) based on Kinship than politics
    • Communities learned to make simple tools, produce seashell ornaments and pottery, which overtime were replaced by Imported Chinese porcelain
    • Caracoa a PH warship used in coastal trades
    • China traded with the Philippines with items such as; Beeswax, cotton, pera, iron pots, tin, iron needles
    • Baybayin - one of Precolonial writing systems
    • Coastal settlements had access to trades resulting in more sophisticated technology, Mountain Settlements traded with coastal and lowland settlements with gathered forest products
  • Spanish Regime in the Philippines
    • Religious orders had great influence on its development
    • Schools are built by religious orders offering Higher Education, access were exclusive to elites, the European born, local Spaniards, and the mestizos
    • Galleon Trade - Manila-Acapulco trade, Colonizers depended on its profits
    • Reduccion system - strategy grouped scattered Barangays into fewer but larger and more compact towns
    • Datus -served as heads of cabezas de barangay,lowest level of local government
  • American Regime in the Philippines
    • Rapid advancement of science and technology, encouragement and support of the government for an extensive public education system, scholarship grants in science and engineering, organization and establishment of science research, establishment of science-Base public services
  • Secularized public education
    Introduced by the Americans, project of The Department of Public Instruction providing free primary education utilizing English as mode of instruction
  • Philippine Normal School
    Training ground for Filipino Teachers
  • Thomasites
    American teachers
  • Promotion of Scientific Research
    Established NRCP or the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands
  • Education
    Main tool of Americans in the development of science and technology in the Philippines
  • Commonwealth Period in the Philippines
    • Philippines became a Politically Independent Nation, gave birth to several government corporation still alive today: National Development Company, National Power Corporation, National Abaca and Other Fibers Corporations
  • Period Since Independence in the Philippines
    • Increase in the number of learning institutions, increase in the number of Philippine Science Institutions
  • Intellectual Revolution (Pre-Socratic / First Philosopy)
    Term used by Greek in the speculation of "nature"
  • Copernican
    Nicolas Copernicus proposed the Heliocentric model, his proof that the center of the solar system is the sun
  • Darwininian
    Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution that held the notion that all living organisms are related and have a common ancestor
  • Freudian
    Sigmund Freud, the Father of Psychoanalysis, tried to explain human behavior with his personality theory: Id, Ego, Superego
  • Id
    Unconscious psychic energy that satisfies basic urges, needs, and desires, only personality present at birth
  • Ego
    Mediates Id, Superego, and Reality, prevents acting on basic urges created by Id, and tries to achieve balance with the moral and idealistic standard of the Superego
  • Superego
    People's internalized ideals acquired from parents and society, works to suppress the urges of the Id, and make Ego morally behave
  • Harmonized R&D Agenda (HNRDA) 2017-2022

    Prepared by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), in collaboration with other concerned private agencies and institutions, to make certain that all S&T endeavors are directed toward the realization of economic and social benefits of mankind