nervous system

Cards (66)

  • nervous system - A group of tissues composed of highly specialized cells
    possessing the characteristics of excitability and
    conductivity. Helps regulate homoestsis
  • CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ➢ consists of brain and spinal cord
  • PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ➢ lies outside the CNS, consists of nerves and ganglia
  • SOMATIC EFFERENT ➢ Innervation somatic structures, ex. Muscles & skin
  • VISCERAL EFFERENT ➢ Innervates involuntary structures ex. Smooth, cardiac muscles, and glands. (ANS)
  • Neuron Structures
    • Dendrite: receives stimulus from other neurons or sensory receptors
    • Cell body: processes stimulus; contains a nucleus
    • Axon: transmits stimulus to a gland, muscle, organ, or other neuron
  • Multipolar
    - many dendrites and a single axon
     Ex. CNS and most motor neurons
  • Bipolar- many dendrites and a single axon
     Ex. CNS and most motor neurons
  • Bipolar
    - many dendrites and a single axon
     Ex. CNS and most motor neurons
     Supporting cells for neurons
     More numerous than neurons
  • Astrocytes
     star-shaped
     most abundant
     form blood-brain barrier (BBB)
  • Ependymal Cells - produce and circulate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  • Microglia - help remove bacteria and cell debris from CNS
  • Oligodendrocytes - produce myelin sheath in CNS
  • Schwann cells - produce myelin sheath in PNS
    WHITE MATTER - collection of AXONS and their MYELIN SHEATH
  • Spinal cord - Controls both voluntary movements, such as those involved in walking and in speech, and involuntary movements, such as breathing
    and reflex actions.
  • BRAIN - The adult human brain weighs about 1.3kg body weight, constitutes 2% of total body wt. It is a mass of pinkish grey, jelly like tissue made up of approximately 100 billion neurons and neuroglia.
    • largest part of the brain
    • 85% of total brain weight
    • thinking part of the brain
  • frontal lobe - largest lobe in the brain, involved in the control of VOLUNTARY motor functions, motivation, mood, aggression, and olfactory reception
  • parietal lobe - principal center for reception of most sensory information, responsible for integrating sensory, (sensory speech area) – language comprehension
  • temporal lobe - 2nd largest lobe of the brain, involved in olfactory (smell), auditory (hearing), and taste and involved in memory,
  • occipital lobe - smallest lobe in the brain, visual reception, visual-spatial processing, movement, and color recognition
  • insula - lies within the folds of lateral surfaces, play a role in diverse functions usually linked to emotions
  • Primary Sensory Areas - where sensations are perceived
  • Primary somatic sensory cortex - process of recognition
    • descending tract
    • begins from the brain and terminate in the
    spinal cord
  • Basal Ganglia - group of functionally related nuclei
  • Corpus Striatum – deep in cerebrum
  • Substantia nigra – in midbrain
  • CEREBELLUM (LITTLE BRAIN) - 2nd largest part of brain
    • two hemispheres called cerebellar hemispheres connected by vermis, composed of white and gray matter
  • C.BRAINSTEM - most primitive part of the brain, connects the spinal cord and brain and continuation of spinal cord
  • Reticular Activating System - special group of neurons in the brainstem
  • Midbrain (mesencephalon)
    • most superior and smallest portion of the brainstem
    • serves to connect the forebrain with the hindbrain
  • Corpora Quadrigemina (Colliculi) - controls visual reflexes
    • superior colliculi – visual reflexes
    • inferior colliculi – auditory reflex
  • Pons - main connection between the cerebellum and
    • passageway from all the nerve fibers coming from and to the brain
    • breathing, swallowing, balance, chewing and salivation
  • Medulla Oblongata
    • serves as exits of cranial nerves IX, X, XI, XII
    • situated at the ventromedial portion of the
  • Thalamus - largest part, shaped like a yoyo, major relay center
    • influences mood and registers uncomfortable perception of pain (parts of diencephalon)
  • Epithalamus - small area, superior and posterior to thalamus
    • involved in emotional and visceral response to odors and the pineal gland ( part of diencephalon)