
Cards (5)

  • "O valiant cousin, worthy gentlemen!"

    Quick to reward his men
    "Valiant" and "Worthy" -> Acknowledges achievements
    Exclamatory sentences -> Noble qualities, recognise great deeds
  • "My worth Cawdor!"

    Personal pronoun and exclamation -> Pride of Macbeth
  • "See our honour'd hostess"

    Alliteration -> Highlights his hamartia (He is too gullible)
    Those who are distrusting survive
  • "There's no art to find the minds construction in the face"

    Realisation that the previous Thane of Cawdor was a traitor
    Finds it hard to see what people are thinking -> Leads to his death
    Gunpowder plot involved high profile figures
  • "O worthiest cousin! The sin of my ingratitude even now was heavy on me"

    Shows regret -> Qualities of a good king
    Exclamatory and abstract noun -> Humble, not selfish
    Noble qualities reflected in King James