Facial Muscles

Cards (20)

  • Sinuses that communicate with the nasal cavity

    • Frontal
    • Ethmoidal
    • Sphenoidal
    • Maxillary or antrum of Highmore
  • Muscles of the head
    • Muscles of facial expression
    • Muscles of mastication
  • Muscles of expression
    Enable one to express emotional states
  • Muscles of mastication
    Assist in digestion
  • Occipitofrontalis
    • Divided into two muscles: Occipital and Frontal
    • Held together by an aponeurosis
    • Occipital arises from the mastoid temporal bone and inserts in the aponeurosis
    • Frontal arises from the aponeurosis and inserts in the region of the eyebrows
  • Action of Occipitofrontalis
    Frontal elevates the eyebrows; Occipital draws scalp backwards
  • Corrugator
    • Origin: medial end of the superciliary arch
    • Insertion: skin of the forehead
    • Action: wrinkles the skin of the forehead vertically
  • Buccinator
    • Origin: alveolar processes of the maxilla and the mandible
    • Fibers converge toward the angle of the mouth
    • Insertion: orbicularis oris
    • Action: compresses the cheeks during mastication, keeping the food under pressure of teeth
  • Zygomaticus
    • Origin: Zygomatic bone
    • Insertion: orbicularis oris
    • Action: pulls angle of the mouth upward and backward
  • Triangularis
    • Broad flat muscle arising from the oblique line of the mandible
    • Fibers converge and are inserted in the orbicularis oris
    • Action: depresses the angle of the mouth
  • Risorius
    • Origin: fascia over the masseter muscle and passes horizontally forward
    • Insertion: skin at the angle of the mouth
    • Action: when contracted strongly, gives an expression of Strain and Tenseness
  • Platysma
    • Broad sheet muscle
    • Origin: skin and fascia covering the pectoralis and deltoid muscles
    • Insertion: mandible and muscles near the angle of the mouth
    • Actions: depresses the mandible; draws down the lower lip and angle of the mouth; wrinkles the skin of the neck
  • Quadratus labii superioris
    • Thin quadrangular muscle with three heads: Angular head, Infraorbital head, Zygomatic head
    • Actions: Elevates upper lip, Contraction of infraorbital head gives expression of sadness, When whole muscle contracts, gives an expression of Disdain and Contempt
  • Quadratus labii inferioris
    • Small quadrilateral muscle
    • Origin: oblique line of the mandible upward and medialward
    • Insertion: skin of the lower lip and orbicularis oris
    • Action: draws lower lip downward as in expression of Irony
  • Mentalis
    • Short thick muscle
    • Origin: Incisive fossa of the mandible
    • Insertion: Skin of the chin
    • Action: expresses Disdain and Doubt
  • Nasal muscles

    • Nasalis
    • Depressor septi
    • Posterior dilator naris
    • Anterior dilator naris
  • Procerus
    • Arises from the nasal bones and lateral nasal cartilage and inserts in the lower part of the forehead between the eyebrows
    • Action: to draw down the medial angle of the eyebrows and produces transverse wrinkles at the bridge of nose
  • Orbicularis oris

    • Ring-shaped muscle of the mouth
    • Consists of numerous layers of muscular fibers which surround the opening of the mouth
    • Origin: other facial muscles; Insertion: lips
    • Origin: undersurface of skin; Insertion: Mucous membrane
    • Origin: maxilla and septum of nose; Insertion: Mandible
    • Action: compression and closure of lips; tightening lips over teeth; contracting them to cause pouting or kissing
  • Levator palpebra superioris

    • Lifter of upper eyelid
    • Origin: Apex of the orbit and passes forward
    • Insertion: tarsal cartilage of the upper eyelid
    • Action: raises the upper eyelid and opens the eye
  • Orbicularis oculi

    • Circular muscle of the eye
    • Origin: Nasal portion of frontal bone, Frontal process of maxilla, Medial palpebral ligament
    • Spreads lateral ward
    • Insertion: outer union of the upper and lower eyelids (palpebral portion)