Occipital arises from the mastoid temporal bone and inserts in the aponeurosis
Frontal arises from the aponeurosis and inserts in the region of the eyebrows
Action of Occipitofrontalis
Frontal elevates the eyebrows; Occipital draws scalp backwards
Origin: medial end of the superciliary arch
Insertion: skin of the forehead
Action: wrinkles the skin of the forehead vertically
Origin: alveolar processes of the maxilla and the mandible
Fibers converge toward the angle of the mouth
Insertion: orbicularis oris
Action: compresses the cheeks during mastication, keeping the food under pressure of teeth
Origin: Zygomatic bone
Insertion: orbicularis oris
Action: pulls angle of the mouth upward and backward
Broad flat muscle arising from the oblique line of the mandible
Fibers converge and are inserted in the orbicularis oris
Action: depresses the angle of the mouth
Origin: fascia over the massetermuscle and passeshorizontallyforward
Insertion: skin at the angleof the mouth
Action: when contracted strongly, gives an expression of Strain and Tenseness
Origin: skin and fasciacovering the pectoralis and deltoid muscles
Insertion: mandible and muscles near the angle of themouth
Actions: depresses the mandible; draws down the lowerlip and angle of the mouth; wrinkles the skin of the neck
Thinquadrangularmuscle with threeheads: Angular head, Infraorbital head, Zygomatic head
Actions: Elevates upper lip, Contraction of infraorbital head gives expression of sadness, When whole musclecontracts, gives an expression of Disdain and Contempt
Origin: oblique line of the mandible upward and medialward
Insertion: skin of the lowerlip and orbicularisoris
Action: draws lower lip downward as in expression of Irony
Origin: Incisive fossa of the mandible
Insertion: Skin of the chin
Action: expressesDisdain and Doubt
Nasal muscles
Depressor septi
Posterior dilator naris
Anterior dilator naris
Arises from the nasalbones and lateralnasalcartilage and inserts in the lower part of the forehead between the eyebrows
Action: to draw down the medial angle of the eyebrows and produces transverse wrinkles at the bridge of nose
Orbicularis oris
Ring-shapedmuscleof the mouth
Consists of numerouslayers of muscular fibers which surround the opening of the mouth
Origin: other facialmuscles; Insertion: lips
Origin: undersurface of skin; Insertion: Mucousmembrane
Origin: maxilla and septum of nose; Insertion: Mandible
Action: compression and closure of lips; tightening lips over teeth; contracting them to cause pouting or kissing
Levatorpalpebra superioris
Lifter of upper eyelid
Origin: Apex of the orbit and passes forward
Insertion: tarsal cartilage of the upper eyelid
Action: raises the upper eyelid and opens the eye
Orbicularis oculi
Circularmuscle of the eye
Origin: Nasalportion of frontalbone, Frontalprocess of maxilla, Medialpalpebralligament
Insertion: outer union of the upper and lowereyelids (palpebral portion)