Advantages: Can reach wide geographical audience; demonstrations can be shown
Disadvantages: Very expensive and viewers may not watch when the adverts come on
Radio advertising
Advantages: Can reach widegeographicalaudience; cheaper than TV advertising
Disadvantages: Only sound - no product demonstrations, and listeners can tune out when adverts come on
Newspaper/magazines advertising
Advantages: Can target market segments through choice of newspaper or special interest magazines. Readers often keep magazines for reference and will see adverts many times
Disadvantages: Expensive and no demonstrations are possible. Easy to ignore and turn the page
Billboard advertising
Advantages: Usually in busy locations. Can be cheaper than other forms of advertising. Consumers will see the adverts repeatedly over a long period of time. Can promote a business in a geographical location
Disadvantages: May be ignored by passers-by. Can only include limited information. No demonstrations possible. only reaches a specific geographical area
Online advertising
Advantages: Relatively cheap, can reach a very large audience. Can be targeted to specific websites or an individual's browsing interests. Demonstrations can be given using other media such as video
Disadvantages: high competition, need a good ranking in search engines to be effective. Technical problems can occur. Products cannot be handled before purchase
In-app advertising
Advantages: Products can be targeted at specific customer groups. Relatively cheap method of advertising. Customers don't need to be online to see ads
Disadvantages: Limited to smartphone and tablet users. Customers may be irritated by ads which interrupt game play or other activity
Email advertising
Advantages: Products can be targeted at specific customer groups. Relatively cheap method of promotion
Disadvantages: Email may be treated as spam and not reach customer's inbox. Email can be easily deleted or ignored without reading. Worry about viruses in attachments can put people off opening email
SMS/text advertising
Advantages: Products can be targeted at specific customer groups. Text delivered instantly. Reaches wide audiences with just one message
Disadvantages: Need to have the customer's mobile number. Frequent texting can annoy customers. Texts can only contain a very limited amount of information