USA - world powers

Cards (27)

  • How can people partcipate in Politics in America?

    Join a political party- You could join the democrats party, they support higher taxes to pay for better hospitals and schools. For example Democrats believe that it’s job is to look after people and help overcome life inequalities
  • How can Americans participate in politics?
    voting for candidates in elections- many opportunities to vote for someone to be in position of power in US society (30 different) For example in 2020 many people in New York voted for Alexandra Ocasio Cortez
  • What is one way world power can have a economic influence on other countries?
    Attract US tourists- As the US is the wealthiest country, many citizens have lots of money to spend so countries like Scotland will try get as much US citizens to come. For example the US is the number 1 source of tourists to Scotland who spent around £500 million a year
  • What is one way the US can influence politically on other countries?
    Encouraging them to sign global agreement- As the US is a rich, big country many countries will be more likely to join an international agreement if the USA deals for issues like tackling climate change. For example in 2021 the US was very influential in getting china to agree to tackle climate change
  • What is another way the US can influence politically on other countries?
    Making them consider US veto- A permanent member of the UN security council has power to reject decisions that other countries want so they will work hard to please the US so they don’t use the veto. For example US has used its veto over 80 times often to protect allies.
  • What is another way world power can have a economic influence on other countries?
    Making them change how they make products- the wealth in USA make a very important market, this means Scotland will try to follow as many of USAs rules as they can so they can sell to them. For example Scotland sells over £4.5 billion worth of goods to the US
  • What can senate do?
    Say yes or no to any treaties the president makes
    Court justices and ambassadors
    Say yes or no to any people the president recommends
  • What is one way the US Government has tried to encourage people to participate in politics?
    One way the US Government has tried to encourage people to participate in politics is by breaking down language barriers. This means the large proportion who are Hispanic and First language is not English, political broadcasts are now done in Spanish to reach more population. For example 73% of Hispanics speak Spanish at home.
  • What is a another way the Government has tried to encourage people to participate in politics?
    Another way the US government has tried to encourage people to participate in politics is the Motor Voter Law. This means it’s easier for people to vote because when someone gets their drivers license they are automatically registered to vote. For example since California introduced it 1 million more voters were gained in the first year.
  • What can the Executive do?
    Make sure that the laws of the US are obeyed.
    President: Leader of the country
    Vice president: President of the senate
    Departments: Heads advice the president on issues
    Independent agencies: Help carry out policy or provide special services.
  • What is another way world power can have a military influence on other countries?
    Another way America has a military influence on other countries is size. This is when they can get places quickly as they have bases all around the world. For example the USA has 11 aircraft carriers with the closet rivals being China (2) and Russia (1)
  • what is one way world power can have a military influence on other countries?
    One way America has a military influence on other countries is spending. This is when they will have all the latest technology which will pose a threat to other countries. For example in 2022 the US spent $877 billion on their millitary
  • What is another way people can particpate in politics in America?
    one way people can participate in politics in america is Protest. This is when people can voice their opinions and all come together to support a cause. Protests can be shown by marches, slogans and signs. For example March for our Lives protested for gun laws in June 2022 to put pressure on congress to bring in Stricter gun control measures
  • What is a Government response to a social issue in America?
    One government response to a social issue in America is Head Start. This gives nutrition and educational support to poorer children before they start elementary to enhance physical, emotional and develop cognitive skills. For example each year around 300,000 Head Start children enter kindergarten after getting help.
  • what is another government response to a economic issue in America?
    Another government response to a social issue in America is SNAP. This means it’s designed to help tackle poverty by providing an Electronic Benefits Transfer Card to spend $125 per month on food. For example in 2021 the number of persons participating in this program totalled to around 43 thousand people.
  • Why do some people experience social issues?
    Discrimination- Blacks are often paid less than whites even though they do the same job. For example the pay gap in USA is 30%
  • Why do some people experience economic issues?
    Poverty- many Americans are middle class and earn $35k to $100k a year however many don’t and struggle to buy their basics. For example in 2016 there were 43 million in poverty (12.7%)
  • What is a group that is less likely to vote?
    Blacks- Feel the system doesn’t work for them, we’re mistreated, abused and denied the right to vote. Feel that whites dont know how to make things better
  • What is a group that are more likely to vote?
    Retired people- Because this generation known as boomers, grew up after world war 2 which was known as a fight for democracy and freedom so voting is important to them
  • What is another group that are more likely to vote?
    More educated people- Because they are more engaged, people who have higher levels of education have a better understanding of what is happening in the US political system.
  • What is another group that is less likely to vote?
    Latinos- they don’t feel it matters, they have come from countries where their votes didnt matter because the government was corrupt and would often ignore peoples votes
  • What is a reason ethnic minorities could be under represented?
    Racism- Ethnic minorities face discrimination and prejudice from white voters. For example in 2020 election the name of Vice President Kamala Harris was mocked even by her fellow senators
  • What does senate represent?
    Every state is equal to eachother
    This meathey only get 2 senators a state
    For example New York has 2 and so does Hawaii
  • What does the House of Representatives represent?
    Local areas they are elected from
    Bigger states get more representatives
    For example New York has 27 but Hawaii only has 2
  • What is a reason women could be under represented in politics? 

    Sexism- Women are relucant to put themselves forward as they often face sexism media and focus on their looks rather than ideas. For example this may be why in 2020 election only 120 women were elected out of 535 seats
  • What group is most likely to experience crime?
    Ethnic minorities due to racism- The colour of their skin, their race, they way they were born. For example 62% of hate crimes reported in Scotland for 2020 were race related
  • What is one government response that has been introduced?
    Affordable Care Act- Introduced by Barack Obama, it’s to give millions more people access to healthcare for the first time. For example number of people without insurance has fallen to 15 million