The idea that morals are fixedabsolutes, so can be observed
What did F.H.Bradley believe?
Our duty is universal and concrete. Ethics can be observed, with a focus on our place in society
What is Aristotelian naturalism?
Goodness = eudaemonia (human flourishing). Eudaemonia is a natural feature of natural organisms
What is utilitarian naturalism?
Goodness = pleasure. Pleasure is a natural property of natural creatures
What is Hume’s is/oughtgap?
Writers often move from ‘is’ statements (statements of fact) to ‘ought’ statements (what should be done)
What does Hume say about morality?
Moral judgements cannot be deduced from facts, instead they are caused by non-cognitive feelings
Who challenges Hume?
What did PhillipaFoot believe?
We can watch how people act and see that we have some characteristics that show good. Eg someone does honest things so their honesty can be identified through observation
What did J.L.Mackie say about morality?
The degree to which moral rules should be applied depends on our relationship with those affected. It depends on the institution, and we act in accordance with what will be approved of or disapproved of