
Cards (11)

  • WAN:
    Wide Area Networks
    • distributed over multiple buildings and sites
    • Will use infrastructure and services that are NOT owned by the individual or business (3rd part infrastructure - public telephone lines, mobile networks)
    • The owner of WAN will have to pay 3rd-party businesses and rely on their services.
  • network: a group of computer devices that are able to communicate with each other
  • networks are used for several reasons:
    1. sharing files between devices
    2. allows data and peripherals to be shared
    3. support collaborative working
    4. sharing hardware and software
    5. abilities to backup
    6. central maintenance and support
  • LAN
    Local Area Network
    • smaller network that does NOT use 3rd party infrastructure and services
    • May still be distributed over multiple buildings and sites but cables and connections will be owned by an individual or business.
    • benefit -> wont have to rely on others
  • Ip address:
    A unique address for each computer device on a network
    -destination address
  • bandwidth:

    the maximum possible data transfer rate of network or internet connection
  • computing units:
  • filesize=filesize =(samplingfrequencybitdepthlength) (sampling frequency * bit depth * length)
  • bus topology:
  • star topology:
  • mesh topology: