S1 2nd Exam

Cards (49)

  • Islam
    An Arabic word meaning 'submitting to Allah'
  • Muslims
    Those who have submitted to Allah
  • Koran
    • The holy book of Islam
    • Muslims believe the Koran is the Words of Allah to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel
    • The Koran is written in Arabic and should be read only in Arabic in religious rituals
    • Muslims believe the Koran is a holy book
    • Muslims must perform ablution before they read it
    • A damaged Koran should be respectfully burned or buried
  • Mosque
    The place of worship for Muslims
  • Islam started in Arabia
    7th century
  • Prophet Muhammad
    • The founder of Islam
    • In AD 610, the Angel Gabriel told Muhammad that Allah was the one and only God
    • Muhammad started to preach Islam in Mecca
  • The Hegira
    1. In AD 622, Muhammad and his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina
    2. This flight was known as the 'Hegira', meaning the 'Migration of Muhammad'
    3. This year became the first year of the Islamic calendar
    • Muhammad returned to and controlled Mecca
    • He removed all idols from the Kaaba
    • Since then, Mecca has not only been the pilgrimage centre, but also the holy city of Islam

    AD 630
  • The Six Articles of Faith
    • Belief in Allah
    • Belief in angels
    • Belief in the prophets
    • Belief in the Day of Judgement
    • Belief in the holy book
    • Belief in predestination
  • Belief in Allah
    Belief in Allah as the one and only God
  • Belief in angels
    • Angels are Allah's servants and are invisible
  • Belief in the prophets
    Prophets are people chosen by Allah for a religious mission. Muhammad is the greatest and the last prophet
  • Belief in the Day of Judgement
    On the Day of Judgement, good people will go to heaven and bad people will go to hell
  • Belief in the holy book
    The Koran is the last and the most perfect book given by Allah. Muslims should follow the doctrines in the book strictly
  • Belief in predestination
    All worldly affairs are arranged by Allah
  • The Five Pillars of Islam
    • Profession of Faith
    • Prayer
    • Fasting
    • Alms
    • Pilgrimage
  • Profession of Faith
    Muslims declare the belief that "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"
  • Prayer
    1. Muslims must pray five times a day facing towards Mecca
    2. On Friday noon, adult male should pray in a mosque
  • Fasting
    Muslims must NOT eat or drink during the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset every day. The aims are to purify the mind and express gratitude to Allah
  • Alms
    Muslims should see giving alms as a merit and should give a portion of their wealth to help the poor and the needy
  • Pilgrimage
    All Muslims should make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime if they can afford it and are physically able. The aim is to get closer to Allah
  • Today, about 90% of Muslims live in Asia, Africa and Europe
  • Shia
    Muslims who only recognized the fourth caliph Ali, who was Muhammad's cousin and son-in law
  • Sunni
    Muslims who recognized all elected caliphs
  • Emergence of Shia and Sunni

    1. Muhammad died in AD 632 without choosing a successor
    2. Muslim community elected the first four caliphs by consensus
    3. Some Muslims only recognized the fourth caliph Ali
    4. This led to the emergence of Shia Islam and Sunni Islam
  • Silk Roads
    Two important Euro-Asian land and maritime trade routes during Medieval Times, deriving their name from the Chinese silk trade
  • The Arabs started to act as middle businessmen who travelled overseas and traded goods from different places to make profits
  • In the 8th century, the Arabs controlled parts of the Silk Roads
    Euro-Asian trade became more frequent under their control over merchanting trade
  • Maritime Silk Road
    1. Greatly developed by China from the 8th century onwards
    2. Many European and Asian traders travelled between China and Europe along this sea route
    3. They traded luxury goods such as silk and spices
  • Italian city-states
    Ports and city-states that developed along the supply lines to the Crusaders, such as Venice and Genoa, which controlled the Mediterranean Sea and developed trade with Asia
  • Trading activities promoted the spread and exchange of products, technology and religions between Europe and Asia

    • Spread of Arabic language
    • Spread of Islam
    • Brought back different cultures and knowledge
  • Islam spread in Asia, Africa, Europe
    1. Central Asia
    2. Northern India
    3. Southeast Asia
  • Islam spread in West Asia
    Muhammad fought against the Arabic tribes.
    Muslims controlled the whole Arabian Peninsula and neighbouring West Asia.
  • Contacts through wars

    • Expansion of the Arab Empire
    • Rashidun Caliphate
    • Umayyad Dynasty
    • Abbasid Dynasty
    • The Reconquista
    • The Crusades
    • Mongol invasions and conquests
  • Umayyad Dynasty
    • Founded by an Arab Muslim, Muawiyah.
    • Muslims expanded into Central Asia, North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula in Western Europe.
  • Abbasid Dynasty
    • Founded by Al-Abbas
    • An Arab Muslim overthrew the Umayyad Dynasty.
    • Its capital is Baghdad.
  • Reconquista
    Between the 8th and 15th centuries, Christian countries in Europe started the 'Reconquista' (meaning 'reconquest' in Spanish). They stopped the Muslim expansion in Europe and gradually recaptured the lost territories on the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Crusades
    In the late 11th century, the Christians started the Crusades to recapture Jerusalem, the Holy Land. But failed.
  • Mongol invasions and conquests

    The Mongols had expanded westwards since 1206. The Mongol Empire covered Europe and Asia, including many former territories of the Arab Empire in Central Asia.
  • Language and Writing System
    A lot of European and Asian vocabularies derived from Arabic.