Cards (204)

  • Endocrine Physiology

    The study of the endocrine system and its functions
  • Endocrine system

    A collection of glands that coordinate multiple organs/body systems by secreting hormones
  • Major processes regulated by the endocrine system
    • Reproduction
    • Growth and Development
    • Electrolyte, water, nutrient balance of blood
    • Cellular metabolism and energy balance
    • Immune defenses
  • The endocrine system is a principal defender of homeostasis
  • Direct communication

    Exchange of ions and molecules between adjacent cells across gap junctions, occurs between two cells of the same type
  • Paracrine communication

    Local acting chemicals that affect cells other than those that secrete them
  • Autocrine communication

    Messages affect the same cells that secrete them, chemicals involved are autocrines
  • Endocrine communication

    Endocrine cells release chemicals (hormones) that are transported in bloodstream and alter metabolic activities of many organs
  • Target cells

    Have receptors needed to bind and "read" hormonal messages
  • Hormones
    Chemical messengers that influence the function of target cells by changing types, quantities or activities of enzymes and structural proteins
  • Hormone receptors

    Recognise and bind with high affinity to their particular hormones, and initiate a signal to appropriate intracellular effectors
  • Characteristics of hormone secretion patterns

    • Circadian or diurnal patterns (e.g. Melatonin)
    • Pulsatile and cyclic patterns (e.g. Insulin and glucagon)
    • Patterns that depend on levels of circulating substrates (e.g. calcium, sodium, potassium, or the hormones themselves)
  • Hormones
    • Operate within feedback systems (positive or negative), to maintain an optimal internal environment
    • Affect cells with appropriate receptors and act on those cells to initiate specific cell functions or activities
    • Steroid hormones are either excreted directly by the kidneys or metabolised by the liver
    • Peptide hormones are catabolised by circulating enzymes and eliminated in the faeces or urine
  • Classification of hormones

    • Hormone structure
    • Gland of origin
    • Hormone effects
  • Hormone structure

    • Amino acid derivatives
    • Peptide hormones
    • Lipid derivatives
  • Amino acid derivatives

    Small molecules structurally related to amino acids, including thyroid hormones, catecholamines, serotonin and melatonin
  • Peptide hormones

    Chains of amino acids, including glycoproteins, short-chain polypeptides, and small proteins
  • Lipid derivatives

    Eicosanoids and steroid hormones derived from cholesterol
  • Water-soluble hormones (peptides) generally have a short half-life of seconds to minutes because they are catabolised by circulating enzymes
  • Lipid-soluble hormones such as cortisol and adrenal androgens are transported bound to a carrier protein and remain in the blood for hours to days
  • Hormone receptor

    A protein molecule to which a particular hormone binds strongly, presence or absence of a specific receptor determines hormonal sensitivity of a cell
  • Hormone receptor types
    • Catecholamine and peptide hormone receptors (extracellular receptors)
    • Steroid and thyroid hormone receptors (intracellular receptors)
  • First messenger

    Hormone that binds to extracellular receptor and promotes release of second messenger in cell
  • Second messenger
    Intermediary molecule that appears due to hormone-receptor interaction, e.g. cAMP, cGMP, Ca2+
  • G Proteins and cAMP

    1. Activated G protein activates adenylate cyclase
    2. Adenylate cyclase converts ATP to cyclic AMP
    3. Cyclic AMP functions as a second messenger
  • Intracellular hormone receptors

    Steroid hormones can alter rate of DNA transcription in nucleus, thyroid hormones bind to receptors within nucleus and on mitochondria
  • Biological response to hormones

    • Depends on blood levels of the hormone, concentration of target cell receptors, affinity of the receptor to hormone, pH, temperature
  • Synergy
    When more than one hormone produces the same effect
  • Antagonists
    When hormones work against each other
  • Permissive
    When one hormone cannot exert its effect without another hormone being present
  • Feedback mechanisms

    Hormones operate within feedback systems, either positive or negative, for homeostasis
  • Hormone metabolism and excretion
    • The liver and kidneys are the major organs that remove hormones from the plasma
    • Peptide hormones and catecholamines are rapidly removed from the blood
    • Steroid and thyroid hormones are removed more slowly, in part because they circulate bound to plasma proteins
    • Some hormones are metabolised to more active molecules in their target cells or other organs
  • Endocrine functions of Hypothalamus
    Releasing hormones, mechanism of hormone action
  • Anterior pituitary hormones

    • Functions
    • Regulation
  • Posterior pituitary hormones

    • ADH
    • Oxytocin - functions, regulation
  • Thyroid hormones

    • Synthesis
    • Functions
    • Fate
    • Regulation
    • Disorders
  • Link between nervous and endocrine systems

    Nervous and endocrine systems work together to control the body processes
  • Nervous system

    • Short term quick response
    • Send signals through neurotransmitters via nerves
    • Fleeting - go away fast
    • Localized/specific
  • Endocrine system
    • Long term slow response
    • Send signals through hormones via bloodstream
    • Longer lasting
    • Body-wide/general
  • Major Endocrine Glands

    • Pituitary gland
    • Hypothalamus
    • Pineal Gland
    • Thyroid gland
    • Parathyroid glands
    • Adrenal Glands
    • Pancreas (endocrine portion)
    • Thymus
    • Gonads (ovaries and testes)