General knowledge that requires conscious effort to recall. Not time-stamped and less vulnerable to distortion and forgetting
Episodic LTM
Events in our lives that require conscious effort to recall. Time-stamped and more vulnerable to distortion or forgetting
Procedural LTM
Actions or skills that do not require conscious effort to recall. Become automatic but difficult to explain and implicit
Strength of LTM types
Tulving used PET scans to find ...
Semantic memory is associated with left prefrontal cortex
Episodic memory is associated with right prefrontal cortex
Strength of LTM types
HM displayed normal functioning in semantic memory, but impaired in episodic memory, showing clear separation for LTM types
Weakness of LTM types - case studies like HM lack control of variables before and after the injury, meaning we can't establish a relationship between brain region and LTM type