Cards (14)

  • DOST or Department of Science and Technology is responsible for formulating and adopting a comprehensive National Science and Technology Plan for the Philippines, and to subsequently monitor and coordinate its funding and implementation.
  • The NRCP clustered these policies into four: 1. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, International Policies and Governance ▪ Integrating ASEAN awareness in basic education without adding to the curriculum. ▪ Emphasizing teaching in the mother tongue ▪ Developing school infrastructure and providing for ICT broadband ▪ Local food security
  • 2. Physics, Engineering, and Industrial Research, Earth and Space Sciences, and Mathematics • Emphasizing degrees, licenses, and employment opportunities • Outright grants for peer monitoring • Review of RA 9184 • Harnessing science and technology as an independent mover of development
  • 3. Medical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ▪ Ensuring compliance of drug-manufacturing firms with ASEAN-harmonized standards by full implementation of the FDA ▪ Creating an education council dedicated to standardization of pharmaceutical services and care Empowering food and drug agencies to conduct evidence-based research as pool of information Allocating 2% of the GDP to research • Legislating a law supporting human genome projects
  • Biological Sciences, Agriculture, and Forestry • Protecting and conserving biodiversity by full implementation of existing laws • Use of biosafety and standard model by ASEAN countries • Promoting indigenous knowledge systems and indigenous people’s conservation • Formulation of common food and safety standards
  • Innovation Culture What recent success we have with the saltwater lamp, the salamander tricycle and the Diwata 1 microsatellite is a good start but only indicates that we have a long way to go before we create an innovation culture. Innovation can only happen with enough scientists and technologists to develop an “innovation ecosystem.”
  • Stronger Research and Development in the regions, not just Manila
    Expand research and development initiatives by providing more grant support for R and D through the DOSTs sectorial planning councils such as PCIERD, PCAARD and ASTI in cooperation with universities in the regions
  • Strategic projects in five areas
    • Renewable energy
    • S and T for industry development
    • Faster and cheaper internet
    • Increased food production
  • Renewable energy
    • New technologies to enable high electricity yields in limited space with less dependence on natural resources to enable us to meet our COP 21 commitments, while lowering the price of electricity
  • S and T for industry development
    • Stronger participation of our scientists and engineers to revitalize our basic industries such as the steel industry
  • Faster and cheaper internet
    • Needed to bridge gaps and build networks in our archipelago
  • Increased food production
    • Technology is needed to expand yields while increasing quality of output and being less dependent on foreign inputs like fertilizers
  • Climate change adaptation- We need cutting edge technology to enable our farmers to adapt to changing climates and the need to do away with technologies that destroy the capacity for good healthful yields. Enabling mechanisms and specifics
  • More Research grants through the DOST and its sectorial planning councils and institutes
    1. Strengthen the Balik Scientist Program
    2. Strengthen retention program for current young scientists
    3. Engage young scientists through actual research projects