lazy evaluation is when the value of a variable is not evaluated until it is used
Guards let functions behave differently in different situations. They are a convenient notation for conditional evaluation (as in if-then-else)
func :: Integer -> Integer
func x
| x < 0 = 0
| otherwise = x
example of a recursion
func :: Integer -> Integer
func x
| x < 0 = 0
| otherwise = x + func (x-1)
curried functions: able to take multiple arguments
The type arrow is right-associative
Lambda function application is left-associative
The type of a pair is (a,b) for any types a and b and can be distinct
pair :: (a, b)
pair = (123, "qwer")
ie (x,y) :: (a,b) for any x :: a and y :: b
uncurry is defined as:
func :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Int
func f (x,y) = f x y
add :: (Int,Int) -> Int
add (x,y) = x + y
curry is defined as:
func :: ((Int,Int) -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int
func f x y = f (x,y)
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y
A tuple with n elements has length n
insertion sort:
f1 :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f1 x [] = [x]
f1 x (y:ys)
| x <= y = x:y:ys
| otherwise = y : f1 x ys
f2 :: [Int] -> [Int]
f2 [] = []
f2 (x:xs) = f1 x (f2 xs)
where clauses are useful for naming intermediate calculations that are used in multiple places.
accumulator: a register that holds the result of an operation
recursive calls embedded inside incomplete calculations would require the computer to work a bit to store these incomplete calculations, which could cause space leak
example of using the accumulator
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial = afact 1
afact a 0 = a
afact a n = afact (a * n) (n-1)
lazy evaluation: delaying the execution of computations until their values are needed
tail recursion is when a function makes only one recursive call with the same number of arguments as the original function call, and its result becomes the value returned by the calling function
tail recursion means that the recursive call is the last thing the function has to compute and it is not buried inside a larger calculation
in tail recursion, we can use the accumulator to hold the intermediate results instead of storing them on the stack
an example of tail recursive function
goodreverse :: [Int] -> [Int]
goodreverse = areverse []
areverse a [] = a
areverse a (x:xs) = areverse (x:a) xs
recursion is a programming technique that allows a program to call itself to perform a task
list comprehension
[ 3*n + 1 | n <- [0..10] , even n ]
n <- [0..10] : take each element from the list
even n : is a condition/filter
3*n + 1 : computation on the filtered elements
benefits of list comprehension: easy to understand, easy to debug, easy to write, easy to read, and is efficient
A constructor takes a fixed number of arguments of a fixed type
Its name must be unique — this allows Haskell to infer the type
Sections are partially-applied infix functions
addsix :: Int -> Int
addsix = (6+)
Backquotes make a regular function into an infix one
mod3 x = mod x 3 -> mod3 x = x ‘mod‘ 3
Function composition
f · g = x -> f(g(x))
(f · g)(x) = f(g(x))
data declarations can be recursive
A wild card _ represents any value
Haskell has no loops or iteration constructs like while or do..while. Instead it uses recursion and lazy evaluation.
Infix functions can be defined using backticks (`). For example `+` is equivalent to (+)