
Cards (32)

  • lazy evaluation is when the value of a variable is not evaluated until it is used
  • Guards let functions behave differently in different situations. They are a convenient notation for conditional evaluation (as in if-then-else)
    func :: Integer -> Integer
    func x
    | x < 0 = 0
    | otherwise = x
  • example of a recursion
    func :: Integer -> Integer
    func x
    | x < 0 = 0
    | otherwise = x + func (x-1)
  • curried functions: able to take multiple arguments
  • The type arrow is right-associative
    Lambda function application is left-associative
  • The type of a pair is (a,b) for any types a and b and can be distinct
    pair :: (a, b)
    pair = (123, "qwer")
    ie (x,y) :: (a,b) for any x :: a and y :: b
  • uncurry is defined as:
    func :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Int
    func f (x,y) = f x y
    add :: (Int,Int) -> Int
    add (x,y) = x + y
  • curry is defined as:
    func :: ((Int,Int) -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int
    func f x y = f (x,y)
    add :: Int -> Int -> Int
    add x y = x + y
  • A tuple with n elements has length n
  • insertion sort:
    f1 :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
    f1 x [] = [x]
    f1 x (y:ys)
    | x <= y = x:y:ys
    | otherwise = y : f1 x ys

    f2 :: [Int] -> [Int]
    f2 [] = []
    f2 (x:xs) = f1 x (f2 xs)
  • where clauses are useful for naming intermediate calculations that are used in multiple places.
  • accumulator: a register that holds the result of an operation
  • recursive calls embedded inside incomplete calculations would require the computer to work a bit to store these incomplete calculations, which could cause space leak
  • example of using the accumulator
    factorial :: Int -> Int
    factorial = afact 1
    afact a 0 = a
    afact a n = afact (a * n) (n-1)
  • lazy evaluation: delaying the execution of computations until their values are needed
  • tail recursion is when a function makes only one recursive call with the same number of arguments as the original function call, and its result becomes the value returned by the calling function
  • tail recursion means that the recursive call is the last thing the function has to compute and it is not buried inside a larger calculation
  • in tail recursion, we can use the accumulator to hold the intermediate results instead of storing them on the stack
  • an example of tail recursive function
    goodreverse :: [Int] -> [Int]
    goodreverse = areverse []
    areverse a [] = a
    areverse a (x:xs) = areverse (x:a) xs
  • recursion is a programming technique that allows a program to call itself to perform a task
  • list comprehension
    [ 3*n + 1 | n <- [0..10] , even n ]
    n <- [0..10] : take each element from the list
    even n : is a condition/filter
    3*n + 1 : computation on the filtered elements
  • benefits of list comprehension: easy to understand, easy to debug, easy to write, easy to read, and is efficient
  • A constructor takes a fixed number of arguments of a fixed type
    Its name must be unique — this allows Haskell to infer the type
  • Sections are partially-applied infix functions
    addsix :: Int -> Int
    addsix = (6+)
  • Backquotes make a regular function into an infix one
    mod3 x = mod x 3 -> mod3 x = x ‘mod‘ 3
  • Function composition
    f · g = x -> f(g(x))
    (f · g)(x) = f(g(x))
  • data declarations can be recursive
  • A wild card _ represents any value
  • Haskell has no loops or iteration constructs like while or do..while. Instead it uses recursion and lazy evaluation.
  • Infix functions can be defined using backticks (`). For example `+` is equivalent to (+)
  • mod 12 5
    prefix function
  • 3 `mod` 2
    infix function