pilot studies and experimental design

Cards (8)

  • what is a pilot study?
    • a small scale study which takes place before the real study to to find out if there is any problems with:
    • experimental deign-do partcipants have enough time to complete tasks?
    • instructions for participants-are the instructions clear?
    • measuring instruments- including behavioural categories and questions
  • experimental design
    3 types of experimental design are:
    -repeated measures
    -independant groups
    -matched pairs
  • repeated measures
    • design where the same participants take part in each condition and the data is then compared for each participant to see if there was a difference
  • evaluation of repeated measures
    +fewer participants are required making the design less time consuming and expensive
    -order effects can occur if same participants are taking part in both conditions
  • independant groups
    • uses two separate groups of participants (one group in each condition)
    • participants are allocated their condition randomly to ensure each participant has equal chance of being assigned to each group
  • evaluating independent groups
    +avoids order effects as people only have to take part in now condition, they don't become as bored
    -participant variables may effect results e.g. differences in age, gender or social background affect results as acting like a DV so psychologists can't be sure the IV caused the damages measured
  • matched pairs
    • pairs of participants are matched from the sample in terms of variables (age or IQ)
    • one member of each pair is placed in the experiment group and the other member in the control group
  • evaluating matched pairs
    +order effects are less likely as each participant only takes part in one condition
    -more expensive and time consuming than repeated measures