Cards (14)

  • Science
    Important to everyone
  • Science
    • Useful because of its links to technology and industry
    • Provides ways of making sense of the world systematically
    • Develops students' scientific inquiry skills, values and attitudes, such as objectivity, curiosity, and honesty
    • Develops habits of mind including critical thinking
  • Science is useful to the individual student for his own personal development, future career, and life in general
  • The skills, values, attitudes, and dispositions developed through science are useful to the community that an individual student belongs to, and are further useful to the country that he lives in
  • 1950’s – It was on this decade when the Filipino became aware of importance of Science in the field of education. 1957 – Science subjects became obligatory in elementary and secondary level. 1958 – A national committee for Science Education was created. This organization gives the objective and steps in teaching Science:
  • 1958 – A national committee for Science Education was created. This organization gives the objective and steps in teaching Science: 1. Integration of Science in Classroom Instruction 2. Acquisition of more Science equipment and tools 3. Coordination of efforts in different agencies 4. Negotiations for Science Institute for Teachers 5. National Science Talent Search and Fellowships 6. Higher Salary for Science and Mathematics Teachers 7. Promotions of Science Teacher Competence
  • Guiding principles of science curriculum framework
    • Science is for everyone
    • Science is both content and process
    • School science should emphasize depth rather breadth, coherence rather than fragmentation, and use of evidence in constructing explanation
    • School science should be relevant and useful
    • School science should nurture interest in learning
    • School science should demonstrate a commitment to the development of a culture of science
    • School science should promote the strong link between science and technology
    • School science should recognize that science and technology reflect, influence, and shape our culture
  • Science is for everyone. This principle recognizes the proactive relationship between science and society. This means putting science into the service of individuals and society. Science education should aim for scientific literacy that is operational in understanding oneself, common human welfare, social, and civic affairs.
  • 2. Science is both content and process. Science content and science process are intertwined. The value of science processes is to advance content or the body of knowledge. Without content, students will have difficulty utilizing the science process skills. Science processes cannot exist in a vacuum. They are learned in contex
  • School science should be relevant and useful. To be relevant and useful, the teaching of science should be organized around situations, problems or projects that engage the students both as an individual and a member of a team.
  • School science should nurture interest in learning. Students are generally interested in problems that puzzle them
  • School science should demonstrate a commitment to the development of a culture of science. A culture of science is characterized by excellence, integrity, hard work, and discipline.
  • 7. School science should promote the strong link between science and technology, including indigenous technology
  • School science should recognize that science and technology reflect, influence, and shape our culture. The science curriculum should recognize the place of science and technology in everyday human affairs. It should integrate science and technology in the civic, personal, social, economic, and the values and ethical aspects of life.