
Cards (6)

  • "Stars hide your fires, let no light see my black and deep desires"

    "Deep" -> Need to keep secret hidden
    "Stars" -> Destiny in the stars, worried that every one can see his plans
    Juxtaposition of the light from the stars and darkness of his desires -> Contrasts external and internal.
    Inner conflict - personification of stars
    "D" alliteration -> Inner turmoil
  • "Vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itself and falls on the other"

    "Vaulting" -> Acknowledges ambition = danger
    Personification of ambition -> Has no control over his own ambition
    "o'erleaps" -> Bypassing others in the great chain of being
    "Leaping" -> Fully committed to regicide
  • "Art thou a dagger of the mind, a false creation"

    Foreshadows murder
    Metaphor -> Incredibly stressed, guilt, trying to find a way out
    Hallucination -> Corrupting influence of the supernatural
  • "Thou canst not say I did it; Never shake thy gory locks at me"

    Horrified -> Cowardly, contrasts valiant Macbeth
    Caesura and Imperative -> emphasize terror and attempt to gain control
    Supernatural revenge -> God's punishment for listening to the witches
  • "Secret, Black and midnight hags"

    Believes he can control his fate through the witches
    Used to be terrified of them, yet now he seeks them
    Corrupted by power
    Triplet -> Illustrates Macbeth as bold and unfoolish, he is not scared of them as he does not realise they're toying with him.
  • "Secret, Black and midnight hags"

    Believes he can control his fate through the witches
    Used to be terrified of them, yet now he seeks them
    Corrupted by power
    Triplet -> Illustrates Macbeth as bold and unfoolish, he is not scared of them as he does not realise they're toying with him.