shelia birling

Cards (7)

  • shelia has childish behaviour at the start of the play and matures to the end of the play
  • what quotes show shelias immaturity at start of play?
    "when do i drink?" she refers to her parents as mummy and daddy
  • what quotes show shelias growth in maturity?
    "you and I arent the same people who sat down to dinner here"
  • shelia feels guilt and remorse towards eva smith unlike mr and mrs birling
  • what quote shows the remorse and guilt shelia had about eva smith?
    "i felt rotten about it , now i feel alot worste"
  • shelia is the inspectors proxy, this means she emulates the inspectors role
  • what is a quote when shelia birling was being a proxy for the inspector?
    "were you seeing her last spring?"