one or a few chromosomes above or below the normal chromosome number
1. Failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis
2. Causes gamete to have too many or too few chromosomes
Chromosomal structure mutations
More extensive, altering the entire chromosomal structure
Changes the structure of whole chromosomes
chromosomal structure mutations occur through
If too much information is lost, it may be fatal to the organism and may result in early death
Cri-du-chat syndrome(example of deletion)
a rare genetic disorder caused by a missing section on a particular chromosome known as Chromosome5.
There is nocure
Effect depends on location within the chromosome
Whether or not duplication resides in coding or non-coding region of DNA
Pallister-Killian mosaic syndrome
Caused by the presence of at least four copies of the short arm of chromosome12 instead of the normal two
symptoms: coarse face with a high forehead, sparse hair on the scalp, an abnormally wide space between the eyes, a fold of the skin over the inner corner of the eyes, and a broad nasal bridge with a highly arched palate. Intellectual disability, loss of muscle tone, and streaks of skin lacking color are often present.
Can be caused due to abnormal synapsis event at Meiosis I by incorrect chromosomes coming together
due to abnormal synapsis event at Meiosis by incorrect chromosomes coming together.
Associated with 2 forms of leukemia
Rare disorder in which the blood doesn't clot in the typical way because it doesn't have enough blood-clotting proteins (clotting factors)
Point mutations
Affects single sites on DNA
Transition substitution - purine (A/G) or pyrimidine (T/C) substitutes for itself
Transversion substitution - purine substitutes for pyrimidine or vice versa
Results of point mutations
Silent mutation
Missense mutation
Nonsense mutation
No change in amino acid sequence is produced due to redundancy of Genetic Code
Missense mutation
Produces a change in amino acid sequence in protein product; may change function of protein or may not
Sickle cell disease
A single base substitution in a hemoglobin gene causes blood cells to form abnormally
Nonsense mutation
Produces a STOP codon within the mRNA transcript leading to a truncated protein
Frameshift mutations
Insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides
Changes the "reading frame" like changing a sentence
Proteins built incorrectly
Original: The fat cat ate the old rat.
Frame Shift: The fat caa tet heo ldr at.
Mutation is important for evolution
If no changes to genomes occur over time, there would be no evolution
Too much change in the DNA is harmful, too little does nothing
A balance exists between the amount of new variation and the overall health (adaptiveness) of the new variant individual
Mutations can change DNA
A mutation in one gene causes a fly to develop legs where its antenna should be
A mutation is a change in a cell's DNA sequence
Mutations come in several varieties
The more contact a person has with mutagens, the higher the risk for cancer
What can cause a mutation?
Environmental agents
Anything environmental that can cause a change in DNA
Examples of mutagens
Radiation - UV, X-rays, nuclear
Chemicals - asbestos, formaldehyde, chemicals in tobacco products
Many mutagens are also carcinogens - cancer causing
Mutations are not always harmful
Alternative versions of the same gene
Genetic variation is important for evolution
Plant breeders even induce mutations to create new varieties of plants
Mutations can be bad, leading to cancer, aging, birth defects, self-aborted embryos