L43 - IV Infusion 1

Cards (15)

  • Describe what happens in IV infusion
    - Drug added to large volume of parenteral fluid (up to 1L) and administered into vein.

    - Injected directly into blood stream so no absorption step necessary.
  • List some advantages of IV infusion
    - Easily control drug plasma levels by changing infusion rate.

    - Can achieve constant drug plasma levels.

    - Less irritation/toxicity issues.
  • Give some disadvantages of IV Infusion.
    - Needs constant monitoring and HCPs.

    - Can't administer high volumes to fluid restricted pts.

    - Solubility and stability of some drugs is an issue: May precipitate in bag.
  • What does the One Compartment Method assume?
    - Drug rapidly distributes into homogeneous fluid-filled volume in body.

    - Elimination is 1st order process.

    - Linear kinetics: enzymes/transporters are not saturated.
  • What is the infusion rate, R?
    R = constant amount of drug entering the body per unit time
  • The balance between the input rate and the output rate determines how much drug is in the body.

    What eqn describes Cp?
    Cp = R / k x V (1 - e^-kt)

    = R / Cl ( 1 - e^-kt).
  • Where else can we apply the IV infusion model?
    Where drug input corresponds to a 0 order process.
    Eg transdermal patcheswhere drug is absorbed with a constant rate.
  • How can we predict drug conc at any time in an IV infusion?

    C = R / k x V (1 - e^-kt)
  • How can we predict [drug] conc at time 0 as infusion is started?

    C0 = R / k x V (1 - e^-kt0) = 0
  • How can we work out concentration at steady state?

    When can this eqn be used?
    Css = R / k x V.
    Css = R / Cl.
    - This eqn is only valid at the steady state of theplateau.
    - At long times, conc becomes constant and equal to R/Cl.
  • Describe the accumulation phase.

    What's the input rate?

    What's the elimination rate? How do they compare at first?
    Input rate: R = constant.
    Elimination rate = A x k = Cl x C.
    - Because A is small in beginning, k is also small, so in accumulation phase elimination rate < input rate.
    - Drug accumulates in body and [plasma] increases according to eqnC = R/ kxV (1-e^-kt) = Css(1-e^-kt)
  • Describe the plateau/steady state of IV infusion.
    As infusion proceeds, R remains constant.

    Elimination rate = A x k = Cl x C.
    Increases with time as A increases (1st order!).

    When elimination rate = input rate, Css has been achieved.
  • How can we estimate elimination rate with time?
    Elimination rate = C x Cl OR = A x k = C x V x k.

    When steady state is reached, elimination rate = input rate of drug.
  • How can we estimate infusion rate (R) required to achieve Css for a drug of known clearance?
    R = Css x Cl
  • Describe the plasma levels when IV infusion has been stopped.
    Input rate = 0.
    Elimination rate = A x k = Cl x C.
    - Only elimination occurs, so [drug] declines exponentially with time.
    - Equivalent to IV Bolus administration, soC = C0 x e^-kt.
    lnC = lnC0 - kt.