Cards (16)

  • What is biodiversity?
    The number of species and the number of types of species within an area
  • How is the number of species calculated after using quadrats?
    mean no. x total area
  • How are quadrats randomly placed?
    A grid system or coordinates
  • What is a transect?
    Quadrats evenly distributed along a tape measure
  • What does a transect do?
    Tells you the number of species and the distribution
  • What is capture-recapture?
    Measuring a population that moves around
  • What are the limitations of sampling techniques?
    Sample size, representative of an area, marking colour, migration
  • What are the threats to biodiversity?
    Changes in land use, over exploitation, climate change and alien species
  • What is an example of changes in land use?
    Felling of forests for building and farming
  • What is an example of over exploitation?
    Over fishing
  • What are alien species?
    New species which can push out existing species
  • What is biological control?
    Using one organism to keep the numbers of another organism under control
  • Advantages of biological control
    Specific to a particular pest, no need to introduce another predator, pest doesn't develop a resistance
  • How is biodiversity protected?
    Seed banks, national parks, SSSI, conservation schemes, CITES and captive breeding programmes
  • What does SSSI stand for?
    Sites of Special Scientific interest
  • What does CITES stand for?
    Convention on national trade in endangered species