6. SLT

Cards (11)

  • Albert bandura and aggression - AO1
    - Acknowledges that behaviour can be learned directly through mechanisms of operant conditioning -involving positive and negative reinforcing as well as punishment
    - He also understood that not all forms of behaviour could be explained in this way
    - He further argued that there were indirect ways of learning behaviour through observational learning which accounts for social learning of the most aggressive type of behaviour
  • Observational learning and vicarious reinforcement - AO1
    - Children acquire aggressive behaviours through observing aggressive model
    - parents, siblings, peers or characters in the media
    - Children can work out how the aggressive behaviour is performed
    - As well as overserving - they are further able to observe the consequences of that behaviour
    - If the model aggressive behaviour is rewarded (or not punished) then the child can see that behaviour as effective in getting what they want
    Known as vicarious reinforcement -more likely for a child that is observing aggressive behaviour more likely to imitate and emulate how it's done
  • Parrel from of indirect learning - AO1
    - vicarious punishment
    - if model use of aggressive behaviour to achieve a goal is punished
    - observing child less likely to imitate behaviour
  • CognItive control of behaviour - AO1
    - Banuras four cognitive conditions which are needed for observational learning
    - Attention - observer must pay attention model aggressive actions
    - Retention - observer needed to remember the models action s
    - Reproduction - observer must be able to physically carry out the aggressive behaviour
    - Motivation - observer needed a reason to imitate the behaviour
  • Self - efficacy - AO1

    - Refers to the extent to which we believe our actions will help us achieve our desired goal
    - A child's aggressive tendences will grow as they learn that aggression can bring them rewards
    - Sense of self-efficacy will continue to develop with each successful outcome
    - If aggressive behaviour has a positive effect in the past they will continue in the future
  • Bandura et at (1961) - AO1
    - conducted world-famous bobo doll study which illtreats the way SLT allows for more aggressive behaviour in children
  • Bandura et at (1961) - Procedure - AO1

    - Young children observed adult model assaulting bobo doll
    - Model exhibited aggressive behaviours like hitting with mallet, kicking and throwing
    - Also accompanied with violent outbursts
    - Children then unable to play with toys they liked
    - Taken to another room with bobo dolls
  • Bandura et at (1961) - Findings - AO1

    - Without any instructions many of the children imitated the behaviour they had observed
    - Including the violent outbursts
    - Large closeness in behaviour - children behaved in the exact way they observed like using the same phrases and objects
    - Control group which observed model interacting on non-aggressive ways to with doll - exhibited little to no aggressive behaviours towards doll
  • Supporting research - 😊
    - Poulin and Boivin (2002)
    - Applied social learning analysis behaviour in boys aged 9 to 12
    - Most aggressive boys formed relationships with other aggressive boys
    - These friendships were lasting, stable and mutual reinforcing of aggressive behaviour
    - The boys further used their alliances to gain resources through aggressive behaviour - successful
    - They were therefore exposed frequently to models of aggression -each other - as well as the positive consequences of it
    - Gained reinforcement from the rewarding approval from the rest of the gang
    - This is precisely the type of conditions that SLT predicts with lead to aggressive behaviour
  • Can not explain all aggression/ better theories out there - 🙁
    - Two very broad categories of aggression - reactive (angry)and proactive(calculated)
    - Children who are proactively aggressive have high levels of self-efficacy; they are the aggressors that use aggression as a way to achieve their goals.
    - Therefore, proactive aggression is the one best explained by SLT
    - When it comes so reactively aggressive children, they use aggression in the heat of the moment. More hostile and do not achieve anything apart from retribution.
    - Reactive aggression may be better explained by Berkowitz's negative effect theory
  • The benefits of non-aggressive model - 😊
    - Some practical applications of SLT
    - People are not passive recipient of reinforcement bur active influencers of their own environments
    - People can shape their own aggressive behaviour by selecting and creating their surroundings - reciprocal determinism
    - Understanding this aspect of SLT has some practical benefits
    - One way that aggression can be reduced is to break this cycle where participants chose environments which reward their behaviour
    - This can be done by encouraging aggressive children to form relationships with children who are not so aggressive
    - This would give them a chance to model behaviour that is non-aggressive